Turbulent Fluid Flow daVinci [1510]
Examples Turbulent votices separating from a cylinder wake "False color image of the far field of a submerged turbulent jet" by C. Fukushima and J. Westerweel, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:False_color_image_of_the_far_field_of_a_submerged_turbulent_jet.jpg#mediaviewer/File:False_color_image_of_the_far_field_of_a_submerged_turbulent_jet.jpg Pyroclastic flow in Indonesia Vortices visualized with laser fluoresence Vortices in a rising jet Mixing layer https://www.tumblr.com/search/wake%20turbulence http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/downwash.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2550079/Volcano-eruption-kills-14-people-Indonesia-ash-sent-spewing-miles-air.html http://coewww.rutgers.edu/www2/vizlab/node/82
Reynold’s Number
Karmen Vortices http://www.aps.org/units/dfd/pressroom/gallery/2009/kumar09.cfm http://envsci.rutgers.edu/~lintner/teaching.html http://mydev.info/karman.html http://nylander.wordpress.com/2005/01/11/von-karman-vortex-street/
Laminar – Turbulent Flow Regimes Free stream plume Blue dye injected into a clear pipe at different flow regimes Boundary layer obstruction Laminar – Turbulent transition with distance An album of fluid motion, Milton Van Dyke http://blog.nialbarker.com/252/slow_is_faster http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999109001119
Flow velocity in a tidal channel Velocity in all directions = mean + variation Milne et al. [2013] http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/371/1985/20120196
Velocity variations over 60s at a point in a channel Milne et al. [2013]
Some characteristics Flows become unstable at high Re Laminar flow becomes perturbed Perturbation damped (low Re) Perturbation grows (high Re) Vortices/eddies form, wide range of scales Rapid mixing, momentum, mass, heat Large vortices break up into smaller vortices Energy dissipation Largesmall vortex molecular motion heat
How to characterize turbulent flows Empirical Laws Manning (channels) Darcy-Weisbach (conduits) Izbash (porous) Forchheimer (porous) dh/dx q
Darcy-Weisbach Eqn. Pressure drop in pipes is fluid density, v is average velocity, d is pipe diameter, and f is the friction factor. Low Re
Analysis Methods http://www.bakker.org/dartmouth06/engs150/10-rans.pdf
DNS Simulation LES Simulation
RANS Reynolds Average Navier Stokes
Strain Change in length/original length Change in angle
Momentum Eqn. Constitutive law for fluid Einstein Notation Navier-Stokes for Incompressible Fluid
Reynolds’ averaging, Mass Mean + fluctuation Substitute Take average Averaging rules Result
Reynolds’ averaging, Momentum Starting eq. Substitute Focus on one term Other terms Result Note the fluctuating terms
Closure Problem 6 unknowns
Turbulent Viscosity Boussinesq (1892) Turbulence dissipates energy in a way that is analogous to viscous dissipation In Turbulent flow
Classical models based on RANS Zero equation model: mixing length model. One equation model: Spalart-Almaras. 3. Two equation models: k- ε style models (standard, RNG, realizable), k- ω model 4. Seven equation model: Reynolds stress model.
k-e Method k: Turbulent kinetic energy e: Turbulence dissipation rate Cm: constant Need equations for k, e Assume k, e are conserved, use standard approach A= vc =vkr
k-e Method
Boundary Conditions Inlet, Outlet, Wall, Open, other No slip, wall = default Specify inlet and outlet Need to specify pressure somewhere Dirichlet (specified pressure) Neumann (specify velocity) n unit vector normal to boundary u flux vector C1 known function
Options for boundary conditions Velocity (uniform) =0.001m/s Laminar Inflow = 0.001 m/s 1m entrance length Pressure = 1 No viscous stress Pressure=0 No viscous stress Need to calculate Pressure in top two cases, calculate velocity in bottom case
Wall Conditions Need b.c. for k and e Represent steep gradients at wall in turbulence http://www.bakker.org/dartmouth06/engs150/11-bl.pdf http://www.efluids.com/efluids/gallery/gallery_pages/MWSmith_3.jsp