AIMS AND OBJECTIVES PACKAGING To recap on the packaging lesson To look at the environmental impact of packaging LABELLING To understand the legal requirements. To understand why other information is used.
PACKAGING RECAP What are the 5 functions of packaging? What are the 4 main types of packaging materials? Give an example of a product using each type of material. Give an advantage and a disadvantage of each type of material.
GREEN PACKAGING Green packaging causes less damage to the environment than other forms of packaging - it is 'environmentally friendly'. There are three types of green packaging.
REUSABLE PACKAGING Can be cleaned and re-used to store the same food or something else. Examples are glass and some plastic.
RECYCLABLE PACKAGING Made from materials that can be used again, usually after processing, for packaging or some other purpose. Glass, some plastic, metals, card & paper.
BIODEGRADABLE PACKAGING Easily breaks down and disappears into the soil or the atmosphere, without causing damage.
Packaging that can be recycled should carry standard symbols that tell people what the product is made from and how it can be recycled.
Traffic light labels show you at-a-glance if the food you are thinking about buying has high, medium or low amounts of fat, saturated fat, sugars and salt. You will also see the number of grams of in what the manufacturer or retailer suggests as a 'serving' of the food. A red light means the food is high in something we should be trying to cut down on. Amber means the food isn't high or low in the nutrient. Green means the food is low in that nutrient. The more green lights, the healthier the choice.
LABELLING Why is it important to understand labelling? What have you discovered about packaging and labelling that you didn’t know before? You have 2 minutes to think about these questions. I will pick someone at random to answer each question.