1 The European Ecolabel Scheme The use of the European Ecolabel in Green Public Procurement approaches
2 The European ecolabel The EU Ecolabel is an official label managed by the European Commission which certifies that a product or service is of good environmental quality and guaranteed technical performance An ecolabelled product generates less environmental impacts on air, water, soil and human health throughout its life cycle, from raw material extraction to end of life (“from cradle to grave”) Added value: usage cost generally lower than average Example: life cycle of a detergent
3 Legal framework Regulation (EC) No 1980/2000 on a revised Community Eco-label award Scheme Revision 2009 Commission Decisions establishing the criteria for each product group
4 Established product groups Cleaning Products: All purpose cleaners and cleaners for sanitary facilities Detergents for dishwashers Hand dishwashing detergents Laundry detergents Soaps and shampoos Appliances Dishwashers Heat pumpsHeat pumps (Criteria under development) Light bulbs Personal computers Portable computers Refrigerators Televisions Vacuum cleaners Washing machines Paper Products Copings and graphic paper Printed PaperPrinted Paper (Criteria under development) Tissue paper Home and garden Bed mattresses Wooden FurnitureBed mattresses Wooden Furniture (Criteria under development) Hard and soft floor coverings Indoor & Outdoor paints and Varnishes Soil improvers and growing media Textile products Clothing Footwear Textile products Tourism Camp Site service Tourist accommodation service Lubricants PRODUCT GROUP DEVELOPMENT EuP/ Ecolabel project Buildings
5 Example: Personal computers criteria 1. Energy savings 2. Lifetime extension 3. Mercury content of a liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor 4. Noise 5. Electromagnetic emissions 6. Take-back, recycling and hazardous substances 7. User instructions 8. Packaging 9. Information appearing on the eco-label
6 Ecolabel Licenses by Product Group *Up to 30/04/2009
7 Evolution of the Total Number of Licenses from 1992 to 2009* *Up to 30/04/2009 Statistics
8 The importance and the role of public procurement ? European public authorities spend each year over €1,800 billion on goods & services (14% -16 % of the GDP) Directing this spending power towards the purchase of greener products and service can: Achieve huge direct environmental benefits Help drive the market for greener products and services Set an example for corporate and private consumers
9 How do Public Procurement Directives allow to take environmental considerations into account in call for tenders ? In March 2004, the Council and the European Parliament adopted new public procurement directives enabling the integration of environmental considerations into the selection and award criteria for public procurement tenders. In July 2008, the Commission has adopted its Communication on "Public procurement for a better environment" in which it sets forth a 50 % GPP target for each individual Member State to be reached as from 2010.
10 Developed GPP criteria Copying and graphic paper Cleaning products and services Office IT equipment Construction Transport Furniture Electricity Food and Catering services Textiles Gardening products and services
11 Example: PCs, notebooks and monitors Core GPP criteria Specifications: All products must meet the latest ENERGY STAR standards for energy performance. Verification: All products carrying the ENERGY STAR label will be deemed to comply. Any other appropriate means of proof, such as a technical dossier of the manufacturer or a test report from a recognised body demonstrating that the criteria are met will also be accepted. PCs must be designed so that: The memory is readily accessible and can be changed. The hard disk and, if available, the CD drive and/or DVD drive, can be changed. Verification: All products carrying the EU Ecolabel will be deemed to comply. Other appropriate means of proof will also be accepted. Notebooks must be designed so that the memory is easily accessible and can be changed. Verification: All products carrying the EU Ecolabel will be deemed to comply. Other appropriate means of proof will also be accepted. For notebooks the availability of compatible batteries and power supplies and of the keyboard and its parts shall be guaranteed for at least 3 years from the time that production ceases. Verification: All products carrying the EU Ecolabel, will be deemed to comply. Alternatively the bidder must provide a written guarantee that this criterion will be met.
12 The next set of GPP criteria Mobile phones CHP - Combined Heat and Power Boilers Aircon and heat pumps Thermal insulation Wall panels Hardfloor coverings Windows Street lighting and traffic signals Road construction and traffic signs
13 Conclusions The ecolabels make it easy to implement GPP in a practical way. Public purchasers become actors of Sustainable Development.