Martin Luther John Calvin
Lived from in Germany Father encouraged him to study law A sudden religious experience inspired him to become a monk
He became troubled over the possibility of not going to heaven He turned to the Bible, and confession for comfort In the Bible he found the answer he was looking for
“The righteous shall by his faith.” Luther realized that only faith (in the ultimate goodness of Jesus), not good deeds, could save a person. No good works, rituals, etc. would save a person if they did not believe.
Eventually his words were printed (using the new printing press) and spread throughout Germany. This was the beginning of the Reformation movement. Who was Martin Luther?
A list of things he thought were wrong with the Catholic Church (95 Complaints) He criticized: The Power of the Pope The Extreme Wealth of the Church Indulgences (Catholic concept of Salvation)
Some Local German Churches accepted Luther’s ideas The reformers came to be known as [PROTEST]ants - Protestants
Goal of the Reformation Politically, German princes hoped the reformation would weaken the power of Catholic Church and help them escape the rule of the Pope. This would make Monarchies (King’s governments) stronger.
Martin Luther Religious Effects –Pope did not speak for God –Church and priests not necessary for salvation –God’s grace given to all who seek it Political Effects –Peasant war –Northern Europe became Protestant
Can you explain the importance of what Martin Luther did?
B. John Calvin ( )
Calvinism In 1530, the Protestant movement gave way to the teachings of John Calvin. Calvin wrote an important book that gave structure to Protestant beliefs. He taught that people are sinful by nature.
(1) Background More of a scholar than Luther Relied on the Bible
(2) Teaching Predestination The right of rebellion More of a stress on works than Luther Divine calling to all sorts of vocations Government serves the Church Just war position
Calvinism taught predestination, the idea that God determines beforehand who will be saved.. Calvinism
Do you understand predestination?
Puritan Hugeunots Presbyterian
Started in Switzerland – Calvinists England = Puritans Scotland = Presbyterians Holland = Dutch Reform France = Huguenots Germany = Reform Church
Europe after the Reformation