1 Pack 338, Hope Pres, Cordova New Family Orientation
2 Why Cub Scouting? Get outdoors and out from in front of video games and the television Be exposed to positive role models in a safe and exciting environment Interact with kids of similar interests Become more confident Develop self-esteem Honor God and country Learn how to respect USA flag
3 Purpose of Cub Scouting Help build character and encourage spiritual growth Developing habits and attitudes of good citizenship Encouraging good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body Strengthening family relationships Fostering a sense of personal achievement by developing new interests and skills Love of country
4 How does Cub Scouting Work? You and your son join Pack 338 Cub Scouting requires both Scout and parent, you can NOT drop your child off The Pack will assign you to a Den which is a group of boys in the same grade level who meet weekly The Pack meets monthly – Show of new skills – Recognition with badges earned
5 Cub Scout Advancement Each boy works to earn his “Rank” Badge this year (tiger, wolf, bear, webelos) The first Rank Badge earned is the Bobcat Badge. 2 nd Year Webelos work to earn the Arrow Light Award Each boy earns awards as they move towards their rank Each boy can earn Beltloops and Pins on Sports and Academics.
6 About our Pack The Pack Committee – Includes: Pack Committee Chairman (Everett Duke) Treasurer (Don Davis) Chartered Organization Rep (Sharlene Myers) Cub Master (Shamus Donlevy) The Chartered Organization – Our Chartered Organization is Hope Pres Church – We must always leave the church in the same or better condition than we found it.
7 How can I get involved? Be an active part of our Pack Committee Serve as an Assistant Cubmaster, Assistant Den Leader Help with a Pack Special Event “Spending time with Your Child: The Secret to Success.”
8 Chickasaw Council 1 2 Eastern District 3 Pack 338, Hope Pres Church
9 Scouting is a Safe Adventure! Youth Protection Training for Youth & Adults – Two-deep leadership – No one-on-one contact – No hazing – No bullying – Privacy of youth respected – Buddy System
10 Uniform Class A – Consists of shirt, neckerchief, slide, and hat – Worn at Scouting events and at weekly den meetings – Place where all earned recognition items go – Available at the Scout Shop Class B – Pack 338 T-shirt – Announcements will be made when this is appropriate dress – Available to parents and siblings for $12
11 Camping Activities Cub Scouts have Fun!! Camping may include: – BB Gun Shooting, Archery, Boating, Nature, etc
12 Pack Fundraisers Trails End Popcorn Open to other suggestions.
13 What does it cost? The annual membership fee for Pack #338 is a year. This fee is per scout and covers: BSA Membership Awards Boys Life Magazine (Renewals) A car for Pine Wood Derby Supplies Pack Event registration Pack #338 also requires a uniform which can be purchased at the local Scout Shop.
14 What do I need to purchase at the Scout Shop? Purple Crest District Patch 338 (the numerals) Neckerchef (den appropriate) Neckerchef Slide (den appropriate) Den Book (den appropriate) Tigers, Wolves, Bears: Blue shirts, Optional Navy Blue shorts/pants Webelos I & II: Tan Shirts, Optional Olive Green shorts/pants
15 What do I need for camping? On your first camping trip, we recommend: Sleeping Bag Tent Flashlights/lantern Bug Spray Chair Sunscreen Plastic Storage Bin (to carry it all)