7 th Chapter 12-2 Cornell Notes The Reformation of Christianity
Chapter 12-2 Cornell Notes: Terms Catholic Reformation Ignatius of Loyola
Chapter 12-2 Cornell Notes: Terms Francis XavierJesuits
Chapter 12-2 Cornell Notes Catholic Culture in Spain Heading 1 Catholic Reformation: effort to reform Church from within; Catholics strong in the south; 1492 Spain big changes from tolerance w/ 3 religions to convert or leave; s: Church fights Protestants, improve Church; Spanish clergy 1 st to fight against Protestant Reformation.
Chapter 12-2 Cornell Notes Catholic Reforms Heading 2 Ignatius of Loyola founded “Society of Jesus” or “Jesuits”; Catholic reformers created many new orders; Jesuits military- like in order and discipline; Council of Trent: formed to discuss reforms, met 3 times 1545 to 1563; Reform 1: bans indulgences; Reform 2: bishops live in their areas; Reform 3: Protestant ideas rejected.
Chapter 12-2 Cornell Notes Missionaries Spread Catholic Teachings Heading 3 many Catholics help by becoming missionaries; many missionaries Jesuits, most important: Francis Xavier; traveled thru Asia mid 1500s; eventually millions worldwide are baptized and become Catholic.