Introduction o Malaysia, a multi-racial country o It has undergone a rapid development after independence in 1957 o Vision 2020 suggests that Malaysia should be fully developed nation by the year 2020 o It needs to develop its own identity in all aspects of its development Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahatir Mohammad sets up the vision for Malaysia. It is a Vision for this multi- racial country, with a rich legacy in traditions, cultures and various religions to be a developed nation in Vision 2020 also stressed on the quality of life, natural resources and environmental development It should be fully developed in ;economic, politic, society, spirituality, psychology and culture
Malaysia and developing identity o Malaysia has always been proud of her unique natural heritage o development of her landscape identity based on Malaysian environment, culture, and economic activities o Malaysia; “The most Beautiful Garden Nation” by the year 2020… While Malaysia continues to be a developed nation, it needs to develop its own identity in all aspects of its development. National landscape department, is motivated to develop the country as the “Most beautiful garden nation” It emphasis to balance green areas and development areas Include whole nation as a garden
Developing a garden identity One of the best ways for developing the Malaysian landscape identity could be developing a garden with Malaysian identity, which names; “Taman Malaysia”
What is Taman Malaysia? Is a garden with a Malaysian identity that projects the images of tropical environment, utilize spaces that satisfy the socio cultural life and strengthened by artistic achievement.
At the moment… o it seems that, there is not clear what Taman Malaysia is all about and there is no such thing as a Malaysian Garden yet o It should be acceptable by Malaysian public
Malaysian public o majority of Malaysia’s population, are; Malay, Chinese and Indian o They have different cultures and religious…
Problem statement o Malaysia lacks an exclusive landscape identity o developing an identity for Taman Malaysia as an imperative visual aspect of Malaysian landscape o public opinion, needs to be considered in this development o To understand, what needs and should be included as the iconography of Taman Malaysia
Also… o Malaysian public, who have different cultural and religious backgrounds such as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity o because of racial and cultural differences their perceptions and preferences could be different from each other
Research problem
Research questions Sub research questions: What is the iconography of Taman Malaysia’s identity? how do we identify an identity ? what are the iconographies of selected world gardens? how does the identity incorporate developing a conceptual framework of Taman Malaysia’s iconography?
Objectives o To study the development of identity in selected gardens o To study iconography of selected gardens o To identify the public preferences of iconography for Taman Malaysia and the factors that affect their preferences o To develop a conceptual framework/guideine of Taman Malaysia’s identity
Significant of findings o It will contribute to basic knowledge of Taman Malaysia as well as essential findings for landscape architects and garden enthusiasts to design and build Taman Malaysia. o It will develop the iconography that every body (all three races) can accept for Taman Malaysia.
Also… o It will contribute to developing the image of Malaysian identity, through Malaysian landscape identity. o It will assist other countries or communities for developing a conceptual framework to identify an iconography for their gardens.
Methodology o This study will engage with a mix-method (Qualitative & Quantitative) approach
Iconography of selected gardens Malaysia’s icons Developing the conceptual framework for gardens iconography Identify a framework to develop Taman Malaysia’s iconography acceptable by Malaysian public Ask people preferences Background study Other countries Malaysia Chinese gardens Islamic gardens English gardens Balinese gardens Malay garden practices Malay elements and characters Japanese gardens Theoretical framework
Literature review Identify the process of garden identity development Identify significant elements and characters of selected gardens Identify significant elements and characters of Malaysia Setting theoretical framework Final survey Identify a framework to develop Taman Malaysia’s iconography acceptable by Malaysian public. Developing garden variables (preference predictors) Developing gardens iconography in public view Data collection procedure Do survey to achieve gardens iconography
G2 G1 G3G4 G5 (G=garden) (i=image) i1,i2,…i30 Collecting images Developing photo album Selecting images that show significant characters and elements How do we analysis data?
Preparing photo questionnaires To understand iconography of selected garden in public view G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 Ask people to recognize gardens from images Selected gardens iconography objective1 ico1 (ico=iconography) ico2 ico3 ico4 ico5 (R=result) R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 images Preparing photo questionnaire
ico1 ico2 ico3 ico4 ico5 Preparing photo questionnaires To study public preferences of Taman Malaysia Ask people preferences Public preferences of iconography for Taman Malaysia objective2 R ico Taman Malaysia’s iconography ico6 like dislike Public preferences
Developing framework of Taman Malaysia’s identity objective3 The proposition Developing conceptual framework
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