Ch Notes The Catholic Reformation
1. The Catholic Reformation The effort to reform the Catholic Church from within also called the Counter- Reformation The leaders of the church in Spain worked to stop the spread of Protestantism.
2. Why was Spain still Catholic? Kicked out all Muslims and Jews Spanish Inquisition- left people afraid to oppose the church
3. Catholic Reforms 1. New orders: Jesuits-started by Ignatius of Loyola created to serve the pope and the church-they were set up like an army. They taught Catholic education to boys. Ursuline Order-taught girls 2. Council of Trent Catholic leaders met together to discuss ways to reform the Catholic Church.
4. Catholic Missionaries Missionaries were people whose goal was to take Catholic teachings around the world. Many of the new Catholic missionaries were Jesuits. These priests went to Africa and Asia to spread Catholicism. Missionaries converted millions of people, and through their work the effects of the Catholic Reformation reached far beyond Europe.