E-books and digital creations to fight for a cause: the environment. Web 2.0 collaboration in an international context. Barcelona Global Forum March 11-14, Marie-Hélène Fasquel.
Combining motivation factors ICT: collaboration, content creation, knowledge construction, online publishing, The environnement topic: fighting for a real- world cause, Civic engagement Opening onto the international Authentic communication Developing creativity and autonomy 2 Main objectives
Writing a collective e-book – magazine articles Analysing other students’ articles Creating logos Making Glogs Exchanging online (Twinspace) all year longTwinspace Writing and sharing collaborative short stories Turning them into comic strips Taking part in class & online competitions (Ocean Challenge, The Paper Plane English Prize 2013)Ocean ChallengeThe Paper Plane English Prize steps to nurture creativity
The learning activity calls on students to plan their work (as the tasks are ambitious ones: writing short stories from scratch, making cartoons…) Tasks requiring creativity (creative writing, amking cartoons, writing articles, selecting views and taking photographs…) and assessing one’s work regularly (to improve it). 4 Project description Autonomy – Team work
Competitions: Students being rewarded and encouraged (diplomas & prizes) 5 Some of the Logos
Different steps towards building knowledge Learning about the environment (lessons, research, webquests,…) About the short story genre interpretation Analysing various short stories including 3 about the environment Applying those 3 steps (synthesis) writing original and creative stories collaboratively Improving the final products thanks to teacher/peers feedback constant evaluation of the product – leading to the best product possible. 6 Knowledge Building & Critical Thinking
Online collaboration for the French students (google docs, Titanpad, Actual meetings of groups at home during holidays… Online collaboration on Twinspace with friends from Turkey & Italy Access to content curation for all studentscontent curation Access to resources – implementation of a flipped classroom (adapted to the LA & students’ needs) Access to resources flipped classroom 7 Extended learning beyond the class
Sharing Workload, Tasks, Evaluation / feedback, Working as a TEAM. Working as a TEAM. Making Decisions together about characterization, the plot, …, the articles (topic to tackle, pictures to include, revisions…) About which talents to showcase (For the Ocean Challenge, some students danced, others drew, wtote articles…) self confidence / engaging tasks All this would not have been possible without IT. 8 Collaboration