F ICTION the made-up stories that fill our lives, short stories or novels Contains a plot or sequence of events and conflict Usually contain a theme
S HORT S TORIES Have characters, conflict, and setting Do not have chapters Can be read in one sitting
N OVELLA A story that is shorter than a novel but longer than a short story.
N OVEL Contain chapters Take longer to read then short stories
T YPES OF F ICTION Adventure – exciting, setting usually outdoors Mystery – central crime, at least two main characters Romance – two main characters that fall in love
Science fiction – imaginative stories based on science Historical fiction – real people with a made up plot Fantasy – could not happen in real life Realistic fiction – things that can happen in real life
M YTHS a story involving gods or other superhuman beings, myths tend to answer a lot of questions like why events happen or why there is suffering are connected to religious beliefs and/or the gods
F ABLES stories that are told all around the world, a short teaching story – usually teaches a moral.
L EGEND an exaggerated story about historical events passed down from one generation to the next.
F OLK T ALE an entertaining or meaningful story that does not involve gods or religious beliefs is passed down from one generation to the next Part of the oral tradition of the common people