Microsoft OneNote tagging as an essential tool to provide teacher feedback This technology allows for improved student understanding of teacher feedback. Students have much greater awareness of marking criteria and improvements to be made. OneNote tagging enables students to tag typed text at a specific point in an audio or video recording. When played back, the text highlights at the specific point in time giving powerful feedback to the student.
Microsoft OneNote tagging as an essential tool to allow for authentic peer feedback and self assessment Student performance skills and work samples have seen considerable improvement since using the tagging feature of Microsoft OneNote. Peer and self assessment and feedback has been simplified, authentic and accessible: Recording performances live in class using OneNote filming feature then providing typed written feedback tagged at point in time for authentic reflection on elements of the marking criteria.
Microsoft OneNote Tagging embedded in all key learning areas The use of OneNote tagging has been embedded in all secondary KLA’s and has led to: -Improved student understanding of the assessment and feedback process -Improved student confidence and willingness to engage in peer feedback and self assessment -Improved results in student skills e.g. improved writing skills in English, shaped by the understanding of marking criteria and the collaboration between teacher to student and peers
Microsoft OneNote Tagging embedded in English Below example shows the use of OneNote tagging to direct the development of creative writing skills and understanding of imagery in stage 5 English class. Voice recordings of draft student work was used as the embedded file. This allowed peer feedback to occur. The learning activity improved each student’s understanding of their use of imagery and allowed for refinement of student work.
Student attitudes on using Microsoft OneNote tagging feature STUDENT 1: Peer assessment and feedback helps us know more about the criteria and what we could improve on in our performances. My peer said that I had a descriptive setting paragraph and used sight and sound imagery but not a lot of the other senses. Without the OneNote tagging, I wouldn’t have known that I needed this. Without doing the peer assessment with OneNote, I wouldn’t have known that this paragraph didn’t make sense and didn’t follow the main line of my plot. I also helped other people improve and got ideas for my story. STUDENT 2: Assessing others or my performances using Microsoft OneNote has substantially improved my playing and my marks. When we used OneNote, peer assessment was more interesting because we knew exactly what to improve upon and could use our understanding of the marking criteria to give constructive comments. We could record our draft videos on the laptop and give feedback straight away in our OneNote notebooks.