Welcome to the Mobile-First, Cloud-First User Group - DC
Office 365 Adoption Series: May 4, 7:00PM EDT - Office 365 Adoption- Plan (Prioritize solutions and create an adoption plan) May 25, 7:00PM EDT -Office 365 Adoption- Engage (Commit resources and execute an adoption plan) June 29, 7:00PM EDT - Office 365 Adoption- Measure (Measure, share success, and iterate) IT Pro Camp/Cloud Summit: May 14, 9:00AM to 5:00PM (in person, 50 sessions, 9 great technical tracks) Tonight’s & Upcoming Events:
Leveraging the Cloud for Project Management (MS Project and Project Online) Series: May 24 Office 365 Groups Webinar Series: July 20 August 24 Slides and materials: Tonight’s & Upcoming Events:
BrainStormInc.com Challenges | Migration & Deployment
BrainStormInc.com Challenges | Compounding Effects
BrainStormInc.com Challenges | Productivity
BrainStormInc.com Communication Resources -Communications Plan -Marketing Materials Assigned Content -Organizational Groups -Reporting and Tracking Self-Guided Content -Robust Learning Library -Just-In-Time Search Instructor-Led Training -Monthly QuickCast Webinars -SATV Redemption BrainStorm QuickHelp Includes: Increase Office 365 adoption Facilitate change management Maximize organizational productivity 90-Day Full-Company Access Office 365 | BrainStorm QuickHelp Program ™ Brought to you by Microsoft and BrainStorm 90-day full-organization access to QuickHelp | Some restrictions may apply Contact Info: Desiree Voight Phone:
Stefani Butler Managing Partner the plat4m group Microsoft Office 365 – Plan (Prioritize Solutions and Create an Adoption Plan) Office 365 Adoption Journey
Stefani Butler Main: PLAT4M.1, ext. 700 Mobile: Microsoft Office 365 – Plan (Prioritize Solutions and Create an Adoption Plan) THANK YOU