CLS is a public/private partnership…founded in 1986
French Space Agency French Research Institute for Exploration of the Seas European Investment Company
CLS More than 500 employees 24/7 managed operations center 30 years of experience 6 million positions processed daily <1 million satellite messages processed from 80 instruments flown on 40 satellites maritime mobiles tracked worldwide Over 80 in-house oceanographers
Providing services to the Offshore Energy industry
With a global footprint …
CLS Toulouse Brest Horizon Marine Marion Horizon Marine Richmond ProOceano Rio de Janeiro CLS Morocco Rabat Altamira Information Calgary Altamira Information Barcelona CLS Peru Lima PT CLS Indonesia Jakarta CLS China Beijing Headquarters Subsidiaries Offices Cunlogan Santiago CLS Reunion Island SIT Melbourne ES-PAS Moscow KL Trading Seoul Cubic-I Tokyo CLS Vietnam Hanoi
CLS Toulouse Brest Horizon Marine Marion Horizon Marine Richmond ProOceano Rio de Janeiro CLS Morocco Rabat Altamira Information Calgary Altamira Information Barcelona CLS Peru Lima PT CLS Indonesia Jakarta CLS China Beijing Headquarters Subsidiaries Offices Cunlogan Santiago CLS Reunion Island SIT Melbourne ES-PAS Moscow KL Trading Seoul Cubic-I Tokyo CLS Vietnam Hanoi
And internationally recognized expertise…
Observe… State-of-the-art satellite data processing from multiple instruments Near real-time data delivery Unique historical database Customized value-added products Internationally recognized expertise Over 80 in-house oceanograph ers
Survey… In-situ observation campaigns Robust and continuous sampling Real-time data delivery User-defined route Large range of sensors Environmental baseline site studies and oil spill contingency
Automated, self-contained fine- scale ocean current monitoring Rapid response Easily installed on a supply vessel Profiles down to 550 meters Near real-time data delivery Measure…
Forecast… Data from multiple models (ensemble approach) Use of real-time in situ data (ADCP, buoys, drifters,…) Satellite radar imagery Currents as well as oil spill drift, search and rescue Web-based visualisation and data delivery
Argos & Iridium airtime Portable, off-the-shelf drifting buoy solution Currents and equipment Real-time data delivery Alert service/warning service One-stop shopping for equipment and airtime Monitor…
Integrate… Real-time data from multiple sources (buoys, satellite radar, gliders, remote sensing) State-of-the-art web-based visualization and data delivery Customized and secured user access Oil spill and search & rescue support Ancillary data also available via the same interface: AIS, wind speed, etc.
A stronger service offer…
A truly global group… Integrated Offer Active everywhere in the world More resources More business development Closer to our clients Global reach
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