DEFINING ACTIONS AND VALUES: PARTICIPATORY LOGIC MODELING BY ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL TEACHERS American Evaluation Association Conference 2011 Anaheim, CA Tara L. Shepperson, Ph.D. Eastern Kentucky University Lynn M. Hemmer, Ph.D. Texas A & M International University Michele Reynolds, Ed.D. Fayette County Public Schools
School For Success Safety net for disengaged Old elementary school Opened students Admissions process Students: Potential yet failing 7 th -12 th Bad school habits Range characteristics
School For Success Features: Cross-disciplinary, project oriented Respect Special project Student take on renovation Block scheduling Mentoring Service and community interaction
Background Alternative programs for dropout prevention Economic, social, & policy consequences Disengagement- early, habits, self-concept New era in alternative to serve range of students Use various nontraditional strategies
Problem & Purpose Problem: Not necessarily a good academic track record Inconsistent reporting (KY- linked to home school) Wellness & motivation vs academic as measured on tests Purpose: Logic modeling exercise Backwards mapping (impact pathways analysis)!!! Clarify 1) central drivers & functions Clarify 2) specific strategies
Identifying Program Theory What are teacher tacit beliefs? What is their essential job ? Stated and unstated understanding of mechanisms resulting in student change? What does change look like? Under the theory of change umbrella: What are specifics of program? Strategies teachers use to achieve intended outcomes Theory of ChangeTheory of Action
Logic Modeling & Questions 1. Teachers’ primary short term goals? a. How teachers motivate students to reach goals? 2. Teachers’ primary long term goals? a. How teacher help students move from short to long term goals? 3. Teacher reported goals supported empirically? Teacher activities Short Long Term (Outputs) (Student Outcomes)
1. Findings Teachers’ primary short term goals for students? Socio-emotional outcomes: Well-being, teacher-student communication, improved school and interpersonal behaviors Instructional outcomes: Engaged in school, growing 2-3 grade levels, relating to school work School initiatives & community outcomes: Interact with community, learn the possibilities
2. Findings How do teachers motivate students to reach short term goals? Socio-emotional outcomes: Listening, responding, humanity, “emotional quotient,” recognize advances Instructional outcomes: Know student interests, relevant work, high expectations, goal-oriented, know where they start School Initiatives & community outcomes: Meeting and building w. partners, systems for support (interpersonal & professional)
3. Findings How do teachers help students from short to long term goals? Socio-emotional outcomes: Emotional & spiritual, maturity, pride, confidence, courage Instructional outcomes: College & careers, jobs & families; better chance than before School initiatives & community outcomes: Make decisions based on options, active citizens, inventors, CEOs, leaders, stay out of jail
4. Findings Are teacher-reported goals and actions supported by empirical evidence? School setting- class size, teacher involvement, cross- teaching. Student tracking- Employability matrix, Life support mentoring program Student centered learning Relationship building & mutual respect Personal involvement Utilization of community resources
4. Findings Are teacher-reported goals and actions supported by empirical evidence? Student performance (paired sample t-tests) t(31) = 1.23, p=0.23 reading [mean Fall Spring] t(31) = -0.71, p=0.49 math [mean Fall – Spring] Attendance rates mean 83.91% (2008) to 91.53% (2009) Discipline referrals, grades, internal school differences
Conclusions Explicit assumptions for long term impact on students fuzzy….. Explicit assumptions (Theory of Change) that relationship-building leads to belonging and engagement…. Teachers strategies (Theory of Action) meet students where they are and make well (socio-emotional)…. & teach from where students are… Other initiatives- enlarge opportunities & world view Yikes! Need evidence of academic improvement
Program Theory Summarized Goals Short Term Longer Term Relationship Sense of Student Academic Building Belonging Engagement Achievement
SFS…still in construction & contact info. Tara Shepperson Ed. Leadership & Policy Studies Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, KY cell (808)