Impact of School Grants in Primary Schools In The Gambia Impact Evaluation Team The Gambian Team AFRICA IMPACT EVALUATION INITIATIVE, AFTRL Africa Program for Education Impact Evaluation
Questions What is the impact of School grants on teaching and learning in primary schools? Is there any impact on school attendance, repetition, drop-outs and test scores?
Indicators Intermediary –Teacher attendance –Availability of learning and teaching materials –Involvement of PTAs in school management Final Outcomes –Repetition/dropouts –Student attendance –Test Scores
Evaluation Design All Lower Basic and Basic Cycle schools in the region 6 are involved in evaluations. The 79 schools will be randomly assigned in one treatment and one control group. Treatment schools will receive grant Control schools will not receive anything We will stratify by –School Size –Teacher Training interventions –Other interventions
Sample and Data Sample –Number of clusters 79 fixed –α =0.05 (significance level) –n =30 (number of students) –∂ =0.3 (standardized size effect) –p = 0.2 (intra cluster correlation) Data Sources –Baseline and Final Survey –Learning achievement tests –School records –Monitoring records at the regional level –Interviews with parents
Staffing Plan Team within Department of State for Basic and Secondary Education (MOE) (Including the Regional Director) –Will be in charge of the design and implementation of the evaluation –Training on school development planning (BESPOR) University of The Gambia –Researchers from the UTG to provide support in quantitative analysis West African Examination Council (WAEC) –Develop and administer learning achievement test Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBOS) –Data collection and entry
Budget Total Budget –US$ 51,874 Sources –Education Programme Development Fund (EPDF)