Probability Project We will discover the true meaning of Probably and Probably Not
Outcome Students will create a 1 page report on a topic or a 30 second Audio/Video Commercial with transcript Create a simple game Display Sample Space Set of Rules Explain Probability of Winning Experimental Results Expected Outcome Build a Glossary with Examples Group Participation Survey Students will create a 1 page report on a topic or a 30 second Audio/Video Commercial with transcript Create a simple game Display Sample Space Set of Rules Explain Probability of Winning Experimental Results Expected Outcome Build a Glossary with Examples Group Participation Survey
The One Page Report or Audio/Video Commercial Permutation Combination Binomial Theorem Fundamental Counting Principle Experiment and Trial Measures of Central Tendency Sample Space and Outcome Mutually Exclusive Event Inclusive Event Compound Event Favorable Outcome Probability Spectrum (Impossible and Certain) Event and Simple Event Compliment Probability Permutation Combination Binomial Theorem Fundamental Counting Principle Experiment and Trial Measures of Central Tendency Sample Space and Outcome Mutually Exclusive Event Inclusive Event Compound Event Favorable Outcome Probability Spectrum (Impossible and Certain) Event and Simple Event Compliment Probability
Create a Simple Game Create a Simple Easy (one to two round) game List the directions and explain how to play and how to win and materials needed to play (i.e. dice, 3 cards, a dark bag, a spinner) List the sample space and explain probability of winning Write the Expected Outcome and type of Probability used in game Test the game to Provide Experimental Probability (at least 10 times) Write up the results using the measurements of central tendency Create a Simple Easy (one to two round) game List the directions and explain how to play and how to win and materials needed to play (i.e. dice, 3 cards, a dark bag, a spinner) List the sample space and explain probability of winning Write the Expected Outcome and type of Probability used in game Test the game to Provide Experimental Probability (at least 10 times) Write up the results using the measurements of central tendency
Create a Working Glossary Definition or Explanation of Example if you have to explain the Word you will need a picture List All Vocabulary Words and give an example of each Also site the text or website used to find the definitions