1– 1 MGT-351 Human Resource Management Chapter-8 MGT-351 Human Resource Management Chapter-8 Training and Development
8–2 The Training Process TrainingTraining The process of teaching employees the skills they need to perform their jobs. Training’s Strategic ContextTraining’s Strategic Context The firm’s training programs must make sense in terms of the company’s strategic goals.
8–3 Training, Learning, and Motivation Make the Learning MeaningfulMake the Learning Meaningful 1. At the start of training, provide a bird’s-eye view of the material to be presented to facilitate learning. 2. Use a variety of familiar examples. 3. Organize the information so you can present it logically, and in meaningful units. 4. Use terms and concepts that are already familiar to trainees. 5. Use as many visual aids as possible.
8–4 Training, Learning, and Motivation (cont’d) Make Skills Transfer EasyMake Skills Transfer Easy 1. Maximize the similarity between the training situation and the work situation. 2. Provide adequate practice. 3. Label or identify each feature of the machine and/or step in the process. 4. Direct the trainees’ attention to important aspects of the job. 5. Provide “heads-up,” preparatory information that lets trainees know what might happen back on the job.
8–5 Motivation Principles for Trainers People learn best by doing—provide as much realistic practice as possible.People learn best by doing—provide as much realistic practice as possible. Trainees learn best when the trainers immediately reinforce correct responses.Trainees learn best when the trainers immediately reinforce correct responses. Trainees learn best at their own pace.Trainees learn best at their own pace. Create a perceived training need in the trainees’ minds.Create a perceived training need in the trainees’ minds. The schedule is important—the learning curve goes down late in the day; less than full day training is most effective.The schedule is important—the learning curve goes down late in the day; less than full day training is most effective.
8–6 The Training Process (cont’d) The Five-Step Training and Development Process Instructional design Needs analysis Validation Implement the program Evaluation
8–7 Analyzing Training Needs Task Analysis: Assessing New Employees’ Training Needs Performance Analysis: Assessing Current Employees’ Training Needs Training Needs Analysis
8–8 Assessing New Employees’ Training Needs: Orientation Feel Welcome and At Ease Begin the Socialization Process Understand the Organization Know What Is Expected in Work and Behavior Orientation Helps New Employees
8–9 The Orientation Process Company Organization and Operations Safety Measures and Regulations Facilities Tour Employee Orientation Employee Benefit Information Personnel Policies Daily Routine
8–10 Assessing Current Employees’ Training Needs Performance Appraisals Job-Related Performance Data Observations Interviews Assessment Center Results Individual Diaries Attitude Surveys Tests Methods for Identifying Training Needs
8–11 Training Methods On-the-Job TrainingOn-the-Job Training Apprenticeship TrainingApprenticeship Training Informal LearningInformal Learning Job Instruction TrainingJob Instruction Training LecturesLectures Programmed LearningProgrammed Learning Audiovisual TrainingAudiovisual Training Simulated Training (also Vestibule Training)Simulated Training (also Vestibule Training) Computer-Based Training (CBT)Computer-Based Training (CBT) Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS)Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS) Distance and Internet-Based TrainingDistance and Internet-Based Training
8–12 Training Methods (cont’d) On-the-Job Training (OJT)On-the-Job Training (OJT) Having a person learn a job by actually doing the job. Types of On-the-Job TrainingTypes of On-the-Job Training Coaching or understudy Job rotation Special assignments AdvantagesAdvantages Inexpensive Learn by doing Immediate feedback
8–13 Training Methods (cont’d) Effective LecturesEffective Lectures Don’t start out on the wrong foot. Give listeners signals. Be alert to your audience. Maintain eye contact with audience. Make sure everyone in the room can hear. Control your hands. Talk from notes rather than from a script. Break a long talk into a series of five-minute talks. Practice and rehearse your presentation.
8–14 Programmed Learning AdvantagesAdvantages Reduced training time Self-paced learning Immediate feedback Reduced risk of error for learner Presenting questions, facts, or problems to the learner Allowing the person to respond Providing feedback on the accuracy of answers
8–15 Computer-Based Training (CBT) AdvantagesAdvantages Reduced learning time Cost-effectiveness Instructional consistency Types of CBTTypes of CBT Interactive multimedia training Virtual reality training
8–16 Distance and Internet-Based Training Teletraining Videoconferencing Internet-Based Training E-Learning and Learning Portals Distance Learning Methods
8–17 Literacy Training Techniques Testing job candidates for basic skills Instituting basic skills and literacy programs Employer Responses to Functional Illiteracy
8–18 Management Development Assessing the company’s strategic needs Developing the managers and future managers Long-Term Focus of Management Development Appraising managers’ current performance
8–19 Succession Planning 1 Begin management development Review firm’s management skills inventory Steps in the Succession Planning Process Anticipate management needs Create replacement charts 234
8–20 Management Development (cont’d) Job Rotation Action Learning Managerial On-the-Job Training Coaching/ Understudy Approach
8–21 Management Development (cont’d) University-Related Programs Management Games Off-the-Job Management Training and Development Techniques The Case Study Method Outside Seminars Executive Coaches Behavior Modeling Role Playing Corporate Universities
8–22 Managing Organizational Change and Development StrategyTechnologiesCulture What to Change StructureEmployees
8–23 Managing Organizational Change and Development (cont’d) Overcoming resistance to change Effectively using organizational development practices The Human Resource Manager’s Role Organizing and leading organizational change
8–24 Managing Organizational Change and Development (cont’d) 1 Moving Overcoming Resistance to Change: Lewin’s Change Process Unfreezing Refreezing 23
8–25 How to Lead the Change Unfreezing PhaseUnfreezing Phase Establish a sense of urgency (need for change). Mobilize commitment to solving problems. Moving PhaseMoving Phase Create a guiding coalition. Develop and communicate a shared vision. Help employees to make the change. Consolidate gains and produce more change. Refreezing PhaseRefreezing Phase Reinforce new ways of doing things. Monitor and assess progress.
8–26 Evaluating the Training Effort Designing the StudyDesigning the Study Time series design Controlled experimentation Training Effects to MeasureTraining Effects to Measure Reaction of trainees to the program Learning that actually took place Behavior that changed on the job Results achieved as a result of the training
8–27 FIGURE 8–5 Using a Time Series Graph to Assess a Training Program’s Effects
8–28 FIGURE 8–6 A Sample Training Evaluation Form Source: