2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 Final exam
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 Requirements( 需要的东西 ): Prepare before you come to class. Only groups of 6 people unless there is an uneven number in the class. YOU MUST ONLY SPEAK ENGLISH! You have 7 minutes to do your presentation. I need 4 volunteers: timer, two writers, and a computer assistant. You must print and give me your rubric sheet before your presentation with your information on the paper. Final Exam “ Create your own Business or Institution ( 机关 ) ”
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 Presentation( 赠送 ): First, you will choose a industry( 工业 ). For example: phone, medicine, food, clothes, shoes, entertainment( 招待 ), sports, law, money, education, health, technology, and others. YOU NEED HELP ASK ME!
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 Second, create a company focusing( 焦点 ) on an industry. For example, you choose medicine: You can open a pharmacy( 药店 ) or a business that specialize( 成为专家 ) in medicine. You must use PPT (you can only translate words you think your classmates might not know and not the whole sentence. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, PLEASE ASK ME.
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 Third, what do you need to talk about? —Introduction: Who are you? What is the name of your company? —What are your products or services? Explain how your products or services will attract( 吸引 ) customers( 顾客 ). —How will you advertise( 做广告 ) your products or services? —How will your business or institution improve the economy? To get a full mark, you must ask questions to other groups about their business or institution
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 You will get a minus from your score: — Talking too loud during your classmate’s presentation. — Speaking Chinese — Do not give me your rubric sheet or your information is not on the paper. — You are not prepared
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 Final Exam Rubric English name: Chinese name: Classroom /Class number: Date: Needs Improvement SatisfactoryGoodExcellent
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 GrammarNeeds Improvem ent Student was difficult to understan d and had a hard time communic ating their ideas and responses because of grammar mistakes. Satisfactor y Student was able to express their ideas and responses adequately but often displayed inconsisten cies with their sentence structure and tenses. Good Student was able to express their ideas and responses fairly well but makes mistakes with their tenses, however is able to correct themselves. Excellent Student was able to express their ideas and responses with ease in proper sentence structure and tenses.
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 Pronuncia tion Needs Improve ment Student was difficult to understan d, quiet in speaking, unclear in pronuncia tion. Satisfacto ry Student was slightly unclear with pronuncia tion at times, but generally is fair. Good Pronuncia tion was good and did not interfere with communic ation Excellent Pronuncia tion was very clear and easy to understan d.
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 Vocabular y Needs Improvem ent Student had inadequate vocabulary words to express his/her ideas properly, which hindered the students in responding. Satisfactor y Student was able to use broad vocabulary words but was lacking, making him/her repetitive and cannot expand on his/her ideas. Good Student utilized the words learned in class, in an accurate manner for the situation given. Excellent Rich, precise and impressive usage of vocabulary words learned in and beyond of class.
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 Comprehe nsion Needs Improvem ent Student had difficulty understan ding the questions and topics that were being discussed. Satisfactor y Student fairly grasped some of the questions and topics that were being discussed. Good Student was able to comprehen d and respond to most of the questions and topics that were being discussed. Excellent Student was able to comprehen d and respond to all of the questions and the topics that were being discussed with ease.
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 Backgroun d Knowledge Needs Improvem ent Student was lacking in backgroun d knowledge which hindered his/her responses to the questions regarding class materials. Satisfactor y Student showed decent backgroun d knowledge of project material, making his/her responses incomplete. Good Student displayed well knowledge of class informatio n and topics. Excellent Student presented excellent backgroun d knowledge from class topics and was able to add more informatio n in their response.
2013 年上学期湖南长郡卫星远程学校 制作 06 FluencyNeeds Improveme nt Speech is very slow, stumbling, nervous, and uncertain with response, except for short or memorized expressions. Difficult for a listener to understand Satisfactor y Speech is slow and often hesitant and irregular. Sentences may be left uncomplet ed, but the student is able to continue. Good Speech is mostly smooth but with some hesitation and unbalance caused primarily by rephrasing and regrouping to finish their sentence. Excellent Speech is effortless and smooth with speed that comes close to that of a native speaker.