Chapter Two Transportation Text 3: Introduction of Transportation Text 4: Maritime Shipping Supplementary reading: Intermodal Transportation.


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2015 年江苏省美术专业统考考试说明 解读 : 贡加兵 扬州市邗江区公道中学
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迎接我们的未来 康 凯 教育部高等教育司. 以信息技术为代表的现代科技正在高 速实现着知识爆炸性的积累。 以信息技术为代表的现代科技正在高 速实现着知识爆炸性的积累。 知识总量的递增速度越来越快。 知识总量的递增速度越来越快。 知识创新周期越来越短。 知识创新周期越来越短。
1 第三章 数列 数列的概念 考点 搜索 ●数列的概念 ●数列通项公式的求解方法 ●用函数的观点理解数列 高考 猜想 以递推数列、新情境下的 数列为载体, 重点考查数列的通 项及性质, 是近年来高考的热点, 也是考题难点之所在.
第二节. 广告牌为什么会被风吹倒? 结构的稳定性: 指结构在负载的作用下 维持其原有平衡状态的能力。 它是结构的重要性质之一。
五星红旗在月球 —— 嫦娥三号软着陆的过程与意义 广东天文学会理事 广州市荔湾区汾水中学 陈欣欣.
北大法意数据库应用. 讲座提要大纲 法律专业能力 法律实践 法律信息检索能力 互联网 法律信息检索能力是法律专业人士的核心能力之一 美国律师协会( ABA )把它明确规定在律师的工 作规范和职业道德中.
物流分拣技术与装备 核心要点: 自动分拣作业方式与流程 自动分拣装备 自动分拣系统 实例. 物流分拣技术与装备 学习目标 通过本章的学习,应该掌握自动分拣的作业 流程,重点掌握摘取式和播种式拣选的特点, 了解常见的自动分拣装备,掌握自动分拣系 统的一般特点及其构成。通过实例,对目前 流行的分拣系统有初步了解。
参展主要内容 以信息科技支撑现代农业为主题,包括精准农业、数字农业、农 业物联网、农业遥感、信息服务 5 部分内容,重点展示科研院所、大 专院校等单位的科研成果及应用示例。精准农业重点展示面向设施、 果园、大田生产管理过程中的关键技术及智能装备,以精准施肥、施 药、灌溉大型机具实物展示为主,同时将搭建微型温室(约.
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§7.2 估计量的评价标准 上一节我们看到,对于总体 X 的同一个 未知参数,由于采用的估计方法不同,可 能会产生多个不同的估计量.这就提出一 个问题,当总体的一个参数存在不同的估 计量时,究竟采用哪一个好呢?或者说怎 样评价一个估计量的统计性能呢?下面给 出几个常用的评价准则. 一.无偏性.
3D 老虎机 最好是在线老虎机游戏是一个赚钱而获 得乐趣的明确方式。 而他们愿意毫不犹豫地花钱。 在线老虎机游戏会给你一个很公平的优 势,因为它依赖运气和时间。
Presentation transcript:

Chapter Two Transportation Text 3: Introduction of Transportation Text 4: Maritime Shipping Supplementary reading: Intermodal Transportation

Learning objective To understand the nature of transportation To learn the five modes of transportation To know about the important feature of maritime shipping To get familiar with intermodal transport

Text 3: Introduction of Transportation Key terms: transportation 运输 transportation mode 运输方式 road transportation 公路运输 rail transportation 铁路运输 waterway transportation 水路运输 air transportation 航空运输 pipeline transportation 管道运输 intermodal transportation 多式联运

General Introduction of Transportation What is transportation? Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. major modes of transportation: Railway transportation, road transportation, waterway transportation, air transportation and pipeline transportation Intermodal transportation occurs when two modes or more work closely together on a regular basis, utilizing the advantage of each others.

Diversity of Transportation Modes  Road transportation Please read the paragraphs about road transportation and discuss: what are the most important characteristics of road transportation? Answer: capable of providing a door to door service flexible enough to perform “just-in-time” delivery for higher-value / lower-volume cargo over relatively short distance Intense competition

 Rail transportation Please read the paragraphs about rail transportation and discuss: what are the most important characteristics of rail transportation? Answer: offers cost-effective transport over long distances good for cargos with high volume and low value Consumes less energy

 Waterway transportation Waterway transportation includes maritime transportation and river transportation. The most important characteristics of waterway transportation include: big capacity, good for large quantity of cargos connects ports from different continents the cleanest among all transportation modes

 Air transportation The most important characteristics of air transportation include: It offer rapid, flexible delivery expensive compared to the charges of land and ocean freight mainly for valuable or perishable goods air freight services tended to be unreliable

 Pipelines transportation The most important characteristics of pipeline transportation include: designed for a specific purpose only, to carry one commodity from a location to another effective in transporting large quantities of products link isolated areas of production with major centers of refining and manufacture

Competition between Transportation Modes each of transportation mode has its key operational and commercial advantages (See Table 2-1). As a result, modes can compete or complement each other in terms of cost, speed, accessibility, frequency, safety, comfort, etc.

Notes: 1. Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. Railway transportation, road transportation, waterway transportation, air transportation and pipeline transportation make up the major modes of transport in modern society. 运输是人和物品在两地之间的移动。现代社会 的主要运输方式包括铁路运输、公路运输、水 路运输、航空运输和管道运输。

2. Intermodal transportation occurs when two modes or more work closely together on a regular basis, utilizing the advantage of each others. 多式联运是指两种或两种以上的运输方式利用各自优 势,进行常规的合作。 3. In road transport market, operators are able to use existing roadway infrastructure and do not need to put in a big capital investment ahead of time. Hence, there are lots of competitors offering the same kind of service with competitive prices. 在公路运输市场中, 承运人可以使用现有的公路设施,无须先进行大量的 资本投入。因此这个市场中竞争者很多,他们以有竞 争力的价格提供相似的服务。

4. Rail offers the cost-effective transport of large quantities of cargos over long distances. It is especially good for cargos with high volume and low value, such as coal, timber and grain. 铁路为大宗货 物的长距离运输提供经济的运输服务。体积大、价值 低的货物,比如煤炭、木材和谷物,特别适合使用铁 路进行运输。 5. It offer rapid, flexible delivery, but it is also perceived as expensive compared to the charges of land and ocean freight. Bulky cargo with low unit value can not afford to ship by air. 它能提供快速、灵 活、机动的运输服务,但是大家认为和水陆货物运输 相比,航空费用昂贵。低值而体积大的货物难以承受 航空运输的价格

6. As a result, modes can compete or complement each other in terms of cost, speed, accessibility, frequency, safety, comfort, etc. 因此,运输方式之间能够在成本、 速度、可得性、经常性(服务频率)、安全性 和舒适程度等方面相互竞争或补充。

Topic for Discussion: 讨论话题 1. Discuss the important role transportation plays in logistics system. 2. The picture below shows us the capacity differences of a variety of transport modes, please discuss: why are these differences important to us?

Text 4 Maritime Shipping Key terms maritime shipping 海洋运输 bulk cargo 散装货物 break-bulk cargo 件杂货 bulk carrier 散货船 general cargo ship 杂货船 roll on-roll off (RORO) vessels 滚装船 charter services 不定期租船服务 liner services 班轮服务

Maritime Freight Maritime freight is considered in two categories: bulk cargo and break bulk cargo.  Bulk cargo Bulk cargo refers to freight, both dry or liquid, that is not packaged, such as minerals (oil, coal, iron ore) and grains.  Break-bulk cargo Break-bulk cargo refers to general cargo that has been packaged in some ways with the use of bags, boxes or drums.

Cargo Ships  Bulk carriers Bulk carriers are ships designed to carry specific commodities and are differentiated into liquid bulk and dry bulk vessels They include the largest vessels afloat

 General cargo ships General cargo ships are vessels designed to carry non-bulk cargoes (break-bulk cargoes) The traditional ships were less than dwt (dead weight ton) More recently these vessels have been replaced by container ships. Why so?

 Roll on-roll off (RORO) vessels RORO vessels are designed to allow cars, trucks and trains to be loaded directly on board Originally appearing as ferries, these vessels are used on deep-sea trades and are much larger than the typical ferry

Shipping Services Charter services (also known as Tramp).  In this form of service, a maritime company rents a ship for a specific purpose, commonly between specific ports of origin and destination  Charter service is notably used in the case of bulk cargo Liner services.  Liner offer shipping space, as common carriers, on ships playing along fixed routes on regular schedule  principally engaged in carrying general cargo in relatively small shipments and limited volumes

The Drawbacks of Maritime Shipping Read the last paragraph of the text and find out what are the main drawbacks of maritime shipping?

Answer: It is slow compared with other transport modes loading and unloading takes lots of time and can cause delay

Notes: 1. It often requires the use of specialized ships such as oil tankers as well as specialized transshipment and storage facilities. 这常常需要使用到专用船,比 如油船或其他专用转运设备和存储设施。 2. Before containerization, economies of scale were difficult to achieve with break-bulk cargo as the loading and unloading process was very labor and time consuming. 在运输集装箱化之前,件杂货运输 难以实现规模效应,因为装、卸过程要耗费大量的人 力和时间。

3. The largest tankers, the Ultra Large Crude Carriers (ULCC) are up to deadweight tons (dwt), with the more typical size being between and dwt 最大的一种油轮 —— 特大型油 轮,最高能达到 载重吨,一般在 到 载重吨之间。 4 . Liner offer shipping space, as common carriers, on ships playing along fixed routes on regular schedule, principally engaged in carrying general cargo in relatively small shipments and limited volumes. 作为公共承运人,班轮公司安排船舶按固定的航线和 固定的船期表提供运输服务并提供货位。

5. However, technical improvements tend to blur the distinction between bulk and break- bulk cargo, as both can be unitized on pallets and containers. 然而,技术的进步开始使散货运输和件杂货物 运输之间的区别变得模糊,因为托盘和集装箱 在这两类货物的运输上都可以应用。

Exercises: Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese 1. Road transport is widely used in the inland delivery of goods. It is capable of providing a door to door service without any break in the journey to change from one vehicle to another. 2. The strength of waterway transport does not rest on its speed, but on its capacity and continuity of its traffic. 3. Air transport has been increased tremendously and plays a more important role in global logistics than ever before. Although it still accounts for a very small percentage of cargo transportation, its growth rate in recent years is the highest among the modes of transport.

4. Air transport is mainly for goods that are valuable, such as watches, gold, electrical components, or perishable such as flowers, meats or lightweight product such as mails. 5. Charter service is notably used in the case of bulk cargo, mainly petroleum, iron ore, grain or coal, often requiring specialized cargo ships.

Debate Propositions: 1. Although there are five different modes of transportation, but they all serve the same purpose: the movement of goods and passengers from one point to another point. So it is easy for us to understand why there are fierce competitions between transportation modes everywhere. Besides competing with each other, is it possible for them to cooperate with others in some way? 2. Each product has its special characteristics and requirement for transportation service, so for each type of product, there is only one transport mode that can provide the best service, do you agree?