The American Revolution
Vocabulary *Duty – tax charged on product coming into a country *Militia – go read page 10 in packet *Grievance – Complaint or problem People: *Patrick Henry – famous Virginia lawyer who challenged new taxes Quote “give me liberty or give me death” *Benjamin Franklin (see notes) – Negotiated the Treaty of Alliance with France to help colonists win war
Role of the 13 Colonies Colonies Job of colonies to grow/sell Britain raw materials (Fish, fur & cash crops cotton, tobacco, indigo) Colonists bought finished/manufactured goods (furniture, utensils, books, tea, dishes) from Britain
Problems between Britain and colonies French and Indian War ▫French & Indians v. British and Colonists ▫Fighting for control of land in Ohio Valley ▫British and Colonists WIN Ended with Treaty of Paris Britain got all North America EAST of the Mississippi Proclamation of 1763 ▫Bans colonial settlement WEST of the Appalachian Mtns.
Problems between Britain and colonies Britain creates new taxes ▫Sugar Act ▫Stamp Act Legal document License Newspaper Pamphlet Almanac Playing cards Dice ▫Townshend Act
Colonies React… ▫Colonists considered themselves Englishmen & had basic rights ▫King & parliament can’t tax colonies b/c colonies have no delegate (representative) in Parliament (“no taxation without representation”) Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party First Continental Congress
Colonies React Boston Massacre ▫Who: British soldiers v. Colonists ▫What: Armed (British) conflict ▫When: March 5, 1770 ▫Where: Customs House, Boston, Massachusetts ▫Why: Soldiers competing with colonists for jobs Used as PROPAGANDA
Colonies React Boston Tea Party ▫Who: Colonial Rebels (dressed as Indians) ▫What: Threw tea overboard ▫When: December 1773 ▫Where: Boston Harbor, Boston Massachusetts ▫Why: To protest inferior tea and taxes
Colonies React First Continental Congress ▫Who: 56 delegates from the colonies ▫What: Met to create a Declaration of Rights ▫When: September, 1774 ▫Where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ▫Why: To discuss what to do about unfair treatment by the British
New Ideas Influence the colonists… John Locke ▫Self – govt (ppl elect themselves to create govt) ▫All people are free & equal & have Natural rights (life, liberty & property ruler cannot take away) ▫Social Contract (the people are the govt) ▫Govt powers are limited ▫If Govt goes bad ppl can change or overthrow govt ▫**CRAZY & RADICAL IDEAS!**
New Ideas Influence the colonists… Thomas Paine ▫English immigrant to America ▫Wrote Common Sense 50 pg pamphlet challenging rule of colonies by King George III Paine listed reasons why colonist should be free & independence was America’s destiny ▫Used as PROPAGANDA! Common Sense read by many & helped overcome doubt about separating from Britain
Revolutionary War Begins… Lexington & Concord ▫First shots fired ▫Beginning of American Revolution Second Continental Congress ▫Philadelphia, Summer 1776 ▫Drew up the Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence ▫Declared American independence from Britain
Declaration of Independence – Key Principles Equality ▫Voting rights ▫Public education ▫Equal before the law (due process) Pursuit of Happiness ▫You chose your job ▫Govt has few rules for creating new business/product ▫You have the right to own property (house, car, etc.) Liberty ▫No slavery ▫Equal rights to all groups
People of the Revolution Loyalists ▫Remained loyal to Britain b/c of cultural & economic ties ▫New taxes ok b/c British had to raise $$ to protect colonists ▫In Britain there was NOT a lot of support of the war (thought they would win & waste of time & money) Neutrals ▫About 1/3 of colonist did NOT pick a side & stayed uninvolved Patriot ▫Complete independence ▫Inspired by Patrick Henry “Give me liberty or give me death!” ▫Considered loyalists traitors
Events of War for Independence George Washington Battle of Saratoga (New York) Treaty of Alliance Battle of Yorktown Treaty of Paris
Americans WIN War HOW??? Benjamin Franklin ▫Ben negotiated Treaty of alliance with France in ▫France sent troops & supplies to help Americans win. ▫War did NOT have popular support in Britain. George Washington ▫George kept his army moving & tried to avoid defeat. ▫His leadership & determination kept the American cause alive even when defeat seemed inevitable. French Army and Navy ▫French navy blocked the Atlantic Ocean so British could not escape. ▫Due to the French & Treaty of Alliance Americans WIN war for independence