LIU-SPS T. Kramer, L. Ducimetiere, L. Sermeus, J. Uythoven LIU-IONS 20 th November /11/2015 LIU-ABT Review - SPS2
Status Functional specification available ( SPU-M-ES-0001 /EDMS ). 2 nd iteration submitted to LIU-ION management. Established 100ns test stand in 867 in February/March. 1 st measurements with diode configuration performed (>200ns tr / not optimized). 2 nd thyratron configuration still to be done. Mid 2015: decision to postpone project to after LS2 -> SPS ion inj. not LIU anymore! However: Feasibility study for 100 ns kicker shall be finished within LIU with reduced priority. Resources: Received 1 FTEC. LIU-ABT Review - SPS 3 20/11/2015
Budget 20/11/2015 LIU-ABT Review - SPS4 Year PV EV 150 AC 18 Covers only inj. kicker WU (as only WU with remaining activities)
Conclusions Functional Specification Functional Specification for SPS ion inj. available (v2.0, not approved). Decision taken to postpone project: Decision taken to postpone project: Budget Budget cut (saved 1.92M on kickers) <100k requested in 2016 (50k in 2017). Test stand established reduced priority.. Test stand established but operated with reduced priority. Presently remains within LIU - work to be done in Feasibility study (LIU) Feasibility study (LIU) to be delivered in /11/2015 LIU-ABT Review - SPS5
New SPS Injection Layout for Ions (100ns) Use existing (fast) MKP-S kicker with additional PFL. Additional septa (MSI-V) needed. Requires ion injection dump upstream QD MKP-S MKP-L TBSJ MSI MSI-V SPS LSS1 7 MSI MSI-V MKP-S TDI Element Magnetic Length [m] Deflection [mrad] MSI-V (2)1 per mag.12.3 MSI (4)2.1 per mag.42.8 MKP-S (12)8.63 all2.07 17 GeV/c/u PB 82+ 100 ns rise time Q20 compatible Low impedance impact FS chapter 3; page 6 f. LIU-ABT Review - SPS
HV-connection of PFL & PFN to Magnet (I) 20/11/2015 LIU-ABT Review - SPS8 2 x 3 RG-220U Transmission cables MS Thyratron PFN PFL 3 x 25Ω? 70m 2 x 3 RG-220U Transmission cables MS Thyratron (PFL) PFN PFL 3 x 25Ω? 70m MS Thyratron (PFN) Magnet Module n+1 Magnet module n Magnet Module n+1 Magnet module n 8.3 Ω 16.6 Ω Option 1Option 2
Initially Planned Schedule 20/11/2015 LIU-ABT Review - SPS9 SPS MKP 100ns PFL upgrade 2014LIU-SPS Ion Injection Functional Specification (Done, waiting for other WU and approval ) Early 2015Basic 100ns PFL test stand available (867). Mid 2015Basic 100ns PFL tests and analysis finished. Carry on with extended tests if necessary (see option1/2). Q4/2015Detailed system design & Technical Specification available. EOY 20151st drawings available. Q2/2016All Drawings available. Long lead items ordered. Production for “in-house” subcomponents started. 2017Production and preassembly. Q2/2018Preassembly finished – QA lab testing of produced components. Aug/2018Installation of PFL cables. Q4/2018Modification of PFN tank/ installation of PFL switch components. 2019Installation of RCS, connection of new components to controls system. EOY/2019All activities finished. Q1/2020HW/Beam commissioning. Activities in parallel with KFA-53(45?) development!
Budget (2014) 20/11/2015 LIU-ABT Review - SPS10 all in kCHF 100 ns Injection kicker Proto-type150 Design office150 6 PFLs300 6 switches420 6 connections PFN/PFL300 3 Resonnant Charging Systems (50% EC)150 BA1 modifications (40% EC)100 Cabling (50%EC)100 Slow controls90 Fast controls60 Interlocking30 FSU controls50 S 1900 FSU FPS200 Total2100