Week 8
Adjective Doubtful or distrustful of the goodness or sincerity of human motives The difficulty he had escaping his abusive wife has made him pretty cynical. I don’t know if he’ll ever date again.
Adjective Having opposing attitudes or feelings within oneself about someone or something. I’d always been ambivalent about dogs, but hers was so well behaved that I was completely won over.
Noun Careless neglect, often resulting in injury Joe’s negligence at the light board got me electrocuted while I was repairing a Source-4.
Adjective Quiet and modest; reserved He was so demure that he hated to even interrupt his employee’s conversations while they should have been working.
Verb To increase in intensity; improve I was able to augment the bad light with a lamp I found at a yard sale.
Adjective Extremely poor The third lay off in as many years left me entirely destitute. I had to move back into my parents’ house.
Verb To force by using pressure and threats Medium Dave Lillywhite did not want to pay his debts, but Awful Oscar coerced the money out of him with the careful use of a half- brick.
Noun A choice between two difficult options The unexpectedly high power bill left me in quite a dilemma; keep the lights on or have food?
Noun The highest point or the end The culmination of his writing career was a scattered set of short stories and a single published novel.
Verb To be of the same opinion The sinister man in the gray suit stared down the conference table at his collection of cutthroats and miscreants, “So, we all concur then? The boy must die if our enterprise is to be safe.” A series of short, solemn nods was all the reply he received.