April 19, 2016
Bell Ringer Romeo and Juliet meet II; ii The Balcony Scene Peter Pan: Thursday, Friday, Saturday Agenda
Let’s make a list! Bell Ringer Reoccurring ImagesQueen Mab Soliloquy What did we write down? What is the significance? Line # What did we write down? What is the significance? Line #
Evaluate Romeo’s mindset in this closing moment What literary element does Shakespeare use here? How does this moment relate to the overall context of the play? How is this short speech haunting? How does this speech propel the action of the play while causing a feeling of suspense for the reader? Closing of I;iv
Act II; i-ii What is in a setting? Why is this set on a balcony? Shakespeare and nature Why is this romantic? How does this scene showcase Shakespeare’s universal appeal?