Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 1 WP2 Enabling Technologies for Re-Use Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN – Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks – Southampton, July 2010
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 2 Quality control through condition monitoring Activities State of the art investigation on condition monitoring measurement systems RFID, Datalogger, electronic condition measurement & interpretation related projects LCU, ELIMA, LIM, Fraunhofer MRO, CoMoLeFo Hardware implication Energy harvesting technologies B2B, B2C -> different approaches needed B2C -> photovoltaic, e-mobility Task 2.2
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 3 Quality control through condition monitoring II Re-use of products key measure of an overall waste prevention strategy sound information on the product’s re-use potential required Life cycle retrieval and analysis of data on actual use conditions, the state, and remaining lifetime of a product Furthermore: direct feedback to the producer during the use-phase adequate preventive maintenance or repair in case of defects refinement of design and product specifications in order to increase its reliability at the end-of-life of a product, information on its use conditions and maintenance history provides decision guidance for recovery management or necessary recycling measures Task 2.2
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 4 Quality control through condition monitoring There are two approaches for condition monitoring: (1)Data Logger electronic device that can be applied to record and store data over a certain period of time at a specific sampling rate sensors can either be integrated or externally interconnected via interface channels logged data has to be further processed and analyzed (external)
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 5 Quality control through condition monitoring (2) Life Cycle Unit (LCU) micro system that not only records but also analyzes life cycle data intended purpose: determine the state of a product after a certain time in use used state of a product depends on: initial state (i.e. material parameters, geometry, variation in manufactured quality) experienced loads during the use phase method of life cycle monitoring addresses interrelations between failure mechanisms and certain load profiles LCUs are able to further process, analyze, and interpret data for condition determination
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 6 Life Cycle Unit (LCU) Condition Evaluation through load measurement two approaches to determine the state of a product during its use phase: (1)monitor environmental loads (i.e. temperature, vibration, humidity) and calculate the expected degradation using established failure physics models Load System Sensor Failure Model Failure Condition Evaluation Parameter Shift
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 7 Life Cycle Unit (LCU) Measurement of system parameters PIM (2)monitor a set of relevant parameters that indicate the condition (i.e. resistance of solder joint, voltage drop) External Load System Sensor Parameter Shift System Model Failure Condition Evaluation
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 8 Life Cycle Unit (LCU) good understanding of existing failure modes necessary for reliable life cycle data analysis gathered and interpreted information can be extremely variable (see Table 1 ‑ 1) depending on complexity of the product especially in electronics, the combination of multiple load scenarios activates several failure mechanisms that have to be taken into account
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 9 Life Cycle Unit (LCU) at the TU Berlin models for the analysis of lifecycle data have been developed model takes into account “static data” describing the product’s condition (i.e. quality) before the use phase during product’s use phase “dynamic data” (use conditions and parameter properties) is recorded and stored models of failure mechanisms are applied in order to compute correlated degradation processes (see Figure 1 ‑ 3) Figure 1 ‑ 3: Failure Analysis using life-cycle data (source: Middendorf et al 2002) possible failure prediction and estimation of remaining lifetime of the product and its components
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 10 Hardware Aspects of Life Cycle Monitoring additional computing capacity can be introduced as additional feature in existing electronic controls (i.e. washing machines) research on stand-alone devices customized and embedded into any product LCU hardware should be small, robust and easy to be integrated into a product (+ no unwanted interference + economically feasible) lifespan of monitoring device must exceed that of monitored product ! Figure 1 ‑ 4: Decision-Finder for Tailored Hardware Concepts (source: Middendorf 2003)
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 11 LCU-prototype can either be integrated in an existing controller of a monitored product using its resources or can be externally added on based on a modular concept applicable for various purposes Figure 1 ‑ 5: Block Diagram of LCU Hardware Inventory (source: Middendorf 2003) Figure 1 ‑ 6: Design of LCU-prototype (source: Middendorf 2003) TB-BGA-package (top-bottom- ball-grid-array) area of 17.5 x 17.5 mm 2 total height of 12 mm
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 12 LCU-prototype trial setup (Fig 1-7): two temperature sensors and three acceleration sensors can be equipped with up to eight sensors (e.g. an additional humidity sensor) energy supply and interface connectors provided by a printed wiring board (PWB) Figure 1 ‑ 7: Example of a TB-BGA stack soldered on a PWB (Source: Middendorf et al 2002a) processing unit: 25MHz micro controller memory module:1Mbytes flash memory for data and 256Kbytes for programming interface module: RS232 serial connection and a CAN controller research on implementing wireless communication
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 13 Life Cycle Information Module (LIM) acquisition of operation conditions of machinery and large appliances, in order to facilitate maintenance and to detect inacceptable states recorded data is processed on-site in cases of failures it is transmitted e.g. via radio to a control centre modularity for cost-effective customization Figure 1 ‑ 8: Demonstrator of the Life Cycle Oriented Information Module LIM (Source: Middendorf et al 2004) LIM was developed especially for cranes and larger appliances with sophisticated demands on collecting, sampling and computing of higher data rates like noise and acceleration measurements
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 14 Market & logistic driven development Development of passiv RFID for traceability and plagiarism protection Active RFID for high price consumer goods like fish & medicals in cold chain Datalogger Condition Monitoring system in wind mills No Re-Use activities – except second hand market for investment machines & computers Recyclers (SME & social enterprises) try identify future business models based on RFID Business models for Condition Monitoring only together with manufacturers & operator
Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN Southampton, July 2010 Page 15 Next Steps 1. Condition monitoring for photovoltaic's (power electronics) 2. Economical and ecological guard railing 3.Case studies with TTA (power electronic – material balance) & VfJ, Berlin