Aim: How have air pollutants affected the atmosphere?
Global Warming
Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere: The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been rising.
How do humans contribute to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? + CO 2, SO 2, NO 2 1)Burning of fossil fuels Give 3 examples: 2)Deforestation 3)Methane (livestock)
How does Deforestation cause an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide? + CO 2 Glucose O2O2 H2OH2O Increased CO 2 in the atmosphere
What does increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cause? 4 Increased levels of CO 2 in the atmosphere trap the (more) heat that would normally radiate back into space. This increase in earth’s temperature is called: Global Warming
The greenhouse effect and global warming are two different (but related) processes. Greenhouse Effect: the name applied to the process which causes the surface of the Earth to become warmer than it would have been without an atmosphere. Global Warming: the increase (we think) in the magnitude of the greenhouse effect whereby the surface becomes warmer than it would be with just the greenhouse effect operating.
Another look at the Greenhouse Effect
What are some of the detrimental effects of Global Warming? 5 1) Melting of the polar ice caps, leading to a rise in sea level and flooding in many coastal areas and Climate Changes
2) Disruption of the Carbon/Oxygen Cycle: Deforestation & Fossil Fuel Burning
Effects of Global Warming Increased atmospheric temperature Disruption in Carbon/Oxygen Cycle Sea level rise More extreme weather events including: –heat waves, frosts, droughts, storms, Extinction of species Loss of entire habitat (i.e. forests) Marine life destruction and Glacial retreat
Global Warming Debate (political)
Ozone Layer
What are chlorofluorocarbons? CFC’s Found in aerosol cans Refrigerator Emissions Air Conditioner Emissions
What is the problem with using CFC’s? They create holes in the ozone layer around earth. This layer prevents UV radiation from reaching earth.
How can UV radiation affect living things? Skin Cancer Cataracts Immune Suppression Damage to plants including phytoplankton.
Global Warming vs. Ozone Layer Depletion Caused by air pollution Warming More UV radiation Mutations Caused by ↑ CFCs Melting of Ice caps Caused by ↑ CO 2 Global Warming Ozone Layer