Scoop it : Step by Step Dr. Carole Redline Tracking my steps to use the tool
Sign up for free. You do not have to connect to Face book, Twitter or Linked in account. Later you can decide if you want to link to your social media. (I seldom do)
Put your name together with no spaces because it will become your web address
Most really worthwhile programs require that you reply to an that was sent to you in order to move forward. Once you have replied to the you can login and then take a guided tour.
I choose to have the program remember me because I am the only user on my computer. The will ask you to name your topic: Paul chose Photography and Video’ But that topic already existed so the choose the topic is named Paul’s photo and video. Then he had to give key words or search words: what words might he use in a search engine. The more search words he gives the better his chances of getting good sights.
Now when Paul goes to his Scoop it site, articles are suggested. None of the topics work for him so he performs a search.
When he wrote photography and pressed enter he got great result. Too many, so now he has to choose between them. If he really likes a site He can choose to scoop it and or to follow the author
Now his account has some choices in it. He can look at each site and decide it he wants to keep it /scoop it. By clicking the green button he has a scoop to publish
Now he has a scoop and can choose to publish it/keep it. He will come back to this later, click on the site and write notes. All these steps are important but does not have to them immediately. When you students choose a site, emphasize that they must review it and make notes here.
More directions on using scoop it to gather resources are found in the Feedback button
Don’t forget…Click green to scoop and then scroll down to find publish
So now when you sign in to scoop it you see your site and if you click on my topics you see what you have saved.
On the left, Scoop it has Already suggested tons of sites for Paul. He can scoop Them or trash them. On the right is all is scoops. To see them all he has to choose VIEW
Drag the Scoop it button, the Bookmarklet, to your favorites in your search engine. Then if you are browsing the web and come across an important site, you can choose to scoop it directly to your site. Read more here:
Such a great tool Most topic will generate suggestions Imagine your students looking for American Indians, or Poetry or quotes of the day. But they will need to review suggestions and evaluate what is right for them. Then they can send links to others so they can see their work
Get your questions answered
Have fun Scoop it You can have 5 topics Thank-You to the program Scoop it. You have given us a great tool. Now it is up to you to brainstorm how you and your class might use this tool!