The Aims of Instructor: Dr.Hajredin Hoxha-Qatar University 2013
Righteous Man Belief and Faith Building and Productivity Character and Virtue Propagation and Struggle Intellect and Knowledge Rites and Worship
BELIEF AND FAITH A Muslim is man of belief and faith. The person believes that there is a creator who created him and the universe in a very perfect style, as for a single purpose, to worship only him, the Creator. A Muslim man understands that he did not emerge from nothing, but rather was brought up by a creator and was polished, guided and educated to follow the path to desirable quality. A Muslim man must believe in the all prophets and all the books sent down by the creator, and hence preparing himself for the Day of Judgment as to, receive his reward.
RITES AND WORSHIP A Muslim man knows that the world around him was created for himself, and that he was created for the almighty Allah. The secret of his existence was only for to worship Allah. For this purpose Allah has sent down the prophets and messengers along with Allah’s books and scriptures as to guide the mankind towards the worship of Him alone. The worship of Allah is the milestone of Islam as it is one of the five pillars that make a muslim person. It is a Muslims man’s duty to remember Allah in all good or bad situations, and in all times during the day or night.
CHARACTER AND VIRTUE A Muslim in his heart is a man of character and virtue, in whom purity proclaims himself in every logic of the word. A Muslim man is kindhearted and sets a good example. A Muslim sets aside his instincts and passions and sacrifices himself by performing until he reaches a high level of transparency. When a Muslim conducts the regular acts of care, he improves his soul further and even more closer to the almighty.
LAW AND AIM A Muslim is bound by a divine leadership, by a strict law system, imposed on him by his Lord, permitting the lawful and forbidding the intolerable. A Muslim, in his family, society, economic and political relations is bound by a divine law.
INTELLECT AND KNOWLEDGE A Muslim man understands that there is no difference between Islam and Intellect, nor between Religion and wisdom. The Quran itself blames others for guess work, and commands them to follow understanding and wisdom. Islam also criticizes Muslims who blindly follow others without first analyzing and inspecting the situation.
BUILDING AND PRODUCTIVITY A Muslim man is a man of work and productivity for living. He gives life the same he takes from it. A Muslim man is asked to build the land, which in a sense is responsibility, and yet it does not deny the act of worship. On the differing, when aligned with the divine law, is another form of worship towards Allah.
Righteous Family Corrupt and Detrimental Ideas Islam Recommends Marriage The Aims of Marriage The Married Couple The Rights of the Wife The Rights of the Husband
ISLAM RECOMMENDS MARRIAGE As for Islam, it has refuted those peculiar views. The Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) did not allow nunnery and prohibited celibacy for the sake of worship. Whenever the Prophet learned that one of his companions abandoned his martial relations as to become absorbed in worship, he prohibited their extremes and encourages them to the right thing.
THE AIMS OF MARRIAGE It is the rule of Allah that in this universe nothing can perform duty alone. By marriage occurs birth, by which the existence of man is perpetuated. Marriage shields a Muslims man from committing something unlawful. Marriage is a way of preserving worldly happiness. Marriage is the only way of starting a family, which is the foundation of society. With marriage social links are strengthened. With marriage a man can concern himself with outdoor activities and not worry about his home.
THE MARRIED COUPLE Marriage is a concrete bond and a scared relationship, and Islam emphasizes that it should be continuous, lasting and binding. The long and short of these rights and obligations rest in one word: living in kindliness. By kindliness it is meant what is accepted by good custom, practiced by upright and straightforwardness. This relationship must also have the right of cooperation, in hardship and difficulties, on the basis of piety and conscience.
THE RIGHTS OF THE WIFE The Dowry Expenditure Kindness and Courtesy Preserving her dignity Patience and endurance
THE RIGHTS OF THE HUSBAND Obedience with kindliness Trust Help his companion Punishment
Righteous Society The Principle Values Brotherhood and Fraternity Sympathy and Kindness Mutual Trust and Advice Cleanliness and Decency Justice An Advanced Society Advancement and Life-Goals The Aim of Life Integrated Advancement
THE PRINCIPLE VALUES Congregation upon faith; an Islamic community is not a national community but rather an assembly of faith. Respect for good deeds; is something which an Islamic community aims towards. Whether it is praying, fasting, innovating, etc. all good deeds must be respected. The call to good, the bidding of kindness and the prohibition of the unacceptable behavior. Struggling in the cause of Allah in defending the right, and strengthening the good deeds. The virtue of character is confirmed in every aspect of life, and is protected from the eyes of evil.
BROTHERHOOD AND FRATERNITY There are no stronger bonds than the bonds of faith and no stronger faith than in Islam, therefore they are permanent features of the Muslims society. Free hearts from all envy and animosity in order to become true brothers. When creating Brothers in Islam our love for one another also grows creating stronger and more united bonds between us.
SYMPATHY AND KINDNESS Mutual sympathy and kindness is the fruit of brotherhood. The most urgent need for sympathy and gentleness is for the weak; such as the orphans, wayfarers, servants and disabled. As so Muslims are kind with one another, Islam forbids domination as it is used to exploit the weak by the superior in society. In society when we are concerned with one another, we become more cooperative leading to a more joint society.
MUTUAL TRUST AND ADVICE Mutual trust and mutual respect is a form of cultural safety, which every Muslim is responsible for and to those around him in the society. Muslims must accept advices given by others, no one is above the advice of his//her peers.
CLEANLINESS AND DECENCY The Muslim community is one of courtesy, and raises its children in a clean and guiltless environment. It teaches men and women their place in society and also forbids them to cross the line between them. However, Muslims are not a society of angels and are capable of making mistakes, yet they should keep it to themselves and not announce it.
JUSTICE The transactions between people should be done on the basis of justice and lawful connections. It is not only in religious facts, but also include social, economical and political relations. Therefore each transaction should be done along with the guidance that the almighty has set for all Muslims.
AN ADVANCED SOCIETY An Islamic society is one of advancement, however the western interpretation of the word is different than the one Muslims think of. In Western societies, it is meant that being advanced is being ahead of someone else and the opposite of that is backwardness.
ADVANCEMENT AND LIFE- GOALS Advancement for a Muslim is reaching the goals he wishes to reach, and any step taken in a different direction is a step backward. Also standing in the same place, neither moving forwards or backwards is still counted as moving backwards, as movement is a sign of life.
THE AIM OF LIFE Worship of Allah, and the call to his word. To be Allah’s vicegerent on earth To rehabilitating the earth.
INTEGRATED ADVANCEMENT This kind of advancement which Islam calls for is an integrated advancement, spiritual and material, moral and disciplinary, religious and secular, intellectual and divine, there is no incompatibility between them, in fact they overlap. Even though Muslims want to reach their advancement as fast as they can, this does not mean they do it by unlawful means they must stick with the divine law of Allah.
Righteous Nation Basic Characteristics of the Quran Belief in the Nation Nationalism in the View of Hasan Al- Banna Characteristics in Arabism
BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE QURAN Divine sovereignty; The Lord Moderation The Call; Propagation Unity
BELIEF IN THE NATION A man’s love of his people and his clan and his wish to bring good to them, and ward off harm directed to them. There is no harm if a man loves his family and his clan, but if that love clashes with the love and duty of Allah, then the love of Allah and the prophet come before all.
NATIONALISM IN THE VIEW OF HASAN AL-BANNA Nationalism does not mean protecting only your family, even if they are wrong. It is about being part of a bigger community, Islamic Community and therefore a Muslim man takes responsibility and priority over his clan and over his good deed in order to progress further in his life.
CHARACTERISTICS OF ARABISM Even though Islam and Arabism are not entirely the same, however Islam has adopted the Arab ways enough, and most Arabs should have this pride inside them. However, not all nations accepting Islam as their religion should embrace the Arab pride for it is not an obligation for them.
Righteous State Islamic Citations Citations from Historical Evidence Citation from the Nature of Islam The Need for a State
ISLAMIC CITATIONS Islamic rules or guardians should keep the trust and rule with justice, however if trust and justice are lost then it will end in the destruction of the nation. There are no doubts that it is forbidden for a Muslim to support any ruler who does not the regulations of the state according to the regulations of Islam. There are two ways to save a state from the unlawful ruling of a ruler; denial, either by heart or tongue or, continuous struggle in order to re-instate the Islamic law.
CITATION FROM HISTORICAL EVIDENCE As for the history of Islam, it reminds us that the Prophet (pbuh) aspired with all his might towards the established of a state for Islam, and a country for its call. An Imam himself is the symbol of the Islamic state and its emblem, and therefore Muslims have known a separation between religion and state, they have always been one in the same.
CITATION FROM THE NATURE OF ISLAM As for the nature of Islam and its mission, it is a universal religion that has comprehensive laws, and this of course runs through all aspects of life. Islam calls for a system to demarcate responsibilities and hates confusion and recklessness in everything to a very long extent. Islam is a way to organize human life through the guidance of Allah.
THE NEED FOR A STATE The human nature is one has must belong to a state, and therefore there is a major need when creating it. Other civilizations will allow there state to form however when it comes to Islam, they will stop it from being created, as they fear a strong Islamic state to come and dominate over them.
Call for Prosperity of Humanity Liberating Man from the Worship of Man Brotherhood and Equality Justice to All World Peace Tolerance of Non-Muslims The Basic Idea of Tolerance
LIBERATING MAN FROM THE WORSHIP OF MAN The first principle of Islam is to believe completely in monotheism in all shapes and principles. Therefore, it makes man free from worshipping any other man or object or a statue. Islam abolished the use of false Gods and ordered to worship only him without the fact of any partner or associate with Him. By giving authority only to Allah, no other man can control or enslave another man thus making his free.
BROTHERHOOD AND EQUALITY All humans are servants to one inventor and therefore making them all equal people in the eyes of the creator. All humans are the children of one father – Adam – no matter how different we are – color, culture, language – we are still brothers.
JUSTICE TO ALL Justice is not only for Muslims or Arab, however it is for all mankind, and each human being deserve justice and equality. Allah commanded the believers to be just and bear witness for Allah’s sake, not with standing love for their near relatives, nor hatred for the outsiders, for love is above the emotions of love and hatred. They should stand for sake of Allah.
WORLD PEACE Islam is known for the resistance for the sake of Allah and the religion, however, this struggle – Jihad – is not made by creating war and killing, but made by making people embrace Islam and creating world peace and love between the mankind. The word “WAR” itself was not liked for its malice and therefore was unloved in Islam.
TOLERANCE OF NON MUSLIMS Tolerance of non Muslims is mandatory in order for the hate and fear to slip from them and therefore to bring in love and affection towards Muslims. As for People of the Book – Christians and Jews – they have special handling and certain dealings which are lawful towards them, such as marrying their daughters.
THE HIGHEST DEGREE OF TOLERANCE The least degree of tolerance is allowing the freedom of worship and belief, and not forcing the person into the Muslim religion or belief. The medium degree of tolerance is allowing him to do what is necessary or an obligation in his religion and what he thinks is forbidden and not forcing him otherwise. The highest degree of tolerance is for you not to anguish the opponent in what the person thinks is lawful in the religion he follows.