The HyCal Calorimeter from PrimEx A. Gasparian NC A&T State University Greensboro, NC
A. Gasparian2 PbWO 4 Crystal Dimensions Geometrical size: 20.5 x 20.5 x mm 3 Tolerances (mm): Specified Measured
A. Gasparian3 PbWO 4 Crystal Test Assembly
A. Gasparian4 PbWO 4 Crystal Optical Properties Optical nm
A. Gasparian5 The HYCAL Calorimeter
A. Gasparian6 HyCal before LMS Installation 1152 PbWO 4 crystal detectors 576 Pb-glass Cherenkov detectors
A. Gasparian7 HyCal being Craned into Hall B Beam Line
A. Gasparian8 PbWO 4 Crystal Energy Resolution 6 x 6 crystals E /E = 1.3 % 1 x 1 3 x3
A. Gasparian9 PbWO 4 Position Resolution x = 1.3 mm
A. Gasparian10 HyCal Position Resolution at transition Region
A. Gasparian11 1)Move HyCal back to Hall BASAP 2)Move stand-cart for HyCal back to Hall B 3)Move Transporters part back to Hall B 4)Reassemble the Transporter, test it 5)Open HyCal, inspect all cables, mechanics, … 6)Inspect optical connections, fix them 7)Plug all signal and HV cables 8)Inspect anode and dynode signals for all channels, fix them 9)Inspect the light monitoring system (LMS) for the calorimeter, fix it 10)Plug the chiller, test it, cool HyCal to 16 o temperature 11)Install back in the Transporter in Hall B beam line 12)Prepare the readout electronics system (old FASTBUS ? Or new FADC ?) 13)Develop a new DAQ system 14)Test HyCal with cosmic raysSummer 2014 HyCal Refurbishment and Reinstallation
A. Gasparian12 Pair Spectrometer in Hall B Large aperture dipole magnet procured and refurbished by the collaboration with JLab’s help Installed in beam-line as a Hall B permanent device