Progressive Era Connor Gailliot, Christine Logan, & Agyakwa Tenkorang
Causes of the Progressive Movement Problems of the Late 19 th and Early 20 th Centuries -bad trusts/monopolistic business practices -corrupt city governments/ political machines -child labor -unsafe working conditions -health hazards -low wages
Progressive Origins Taylorism Social Gospel Movement Muckraking
Muckrakers Reform minded journalists who attempted to expose corruption in politics, crime, fraud, public health and safety issues, and other scandals
Socialism Critical of capitalism Wanted more wealth for the workers and the poor Wanted to end capitalism, while Progressives wanted to reform the capitalist system -Socialist Party -Industrial Workers of the World (“Wobblies”) Eugene V. Debs: union leader and Socialist candidate for the presidency
Goals of the Progressives Wanted to make existing institutions better -reduce government corruption and democratize government institutions -social justice for the poor, minorities, and women -regulate corporations and monopolies
Efforts to Reform Local Government Municipal utilities (e.g. water, gas, electricity, trolley lines) taken over by the cities City manager and commission plans of government
Efforts to Reform Local Government council-manager plan (Dayton, Ohio 1913) COUNCIL MEMBER CITY MANAGER COUNCIL MEMBER MAYOR CITY SERVICES strong mayor-council plan
Progressives at the State Level Adoption of the 17 th amendment Initiative Referendum Recall Direct Primary Secret ballots -”Wisconsin Idea” Governor La FolleteGovernor Johnson (Wisconsin)(California)
Efforts to Reform Federal Government Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal -Control of Corporations -Consumer Protection -Conservation Power of the presidency = “bully pulpit”
Efforts to Reform Federal Government Progressivism under William Howard Taft -trustbusting -antitrust lawsuits went to court Payne-Aldrich Tariff Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
Election of 1912 Roosevelt – New Nationalism, Bull Moose Party Taft – Republican Party Wilson – New Freedom, Democratic Party
Efforts to Reform Federal Government Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom -Tariff Reform -Business Reform -Banking Reform
Labor Reform Eight hour work day Minimum wage laws Child labor laws Worker compensation Unionization Improved health/safety conditions in workplaces Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Women and Progressivism National Consumers League Temperance Movement = Anti-Saloon League Feminism Suffrage -National American Woman Suffrage Association -National Woman’s Party
African Americans and Progressivism Booker T. Washington -vocational education -Tuskegee Institute W.E.B. DuBois -liberal arts education -Niagara Movement -NAACP
Accomplishments of the Progressives Income tax helped build government revenue and redistribute wealth Legislation helped government ensure consumer protection Trust-busting forced industrials to take public opinion into account Progressives helped to develop approaches to solve domestic problems