Mission Christmas Thousands of children in poverty will wake up to a Christmas without presents this year. Radio Aire Cash for Kids, have launched Mission Christmas. Their aim is to ensure that no child in West Yorkshire wakes up without a Christmas present this year. In 2012 the appeal delivered over £504,560 worth of gifts to 14,416 local children.
What can you do? Buy just one extra present this year – a gift that can be given to a disadvantaged child to make their Christmas morning that little bit brighter. New and unwrapped gifts suitable for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years. In particular gifts for babies and toddlers.
What you need to know: You do not need to spend a lot to make a difference. Gifts can be for boys & girls Gifts should be unwrapped Gifts should be new, no used toys please Gifts for babies & toddlers are especially needed. (e.g. rattles, soft toys) Any questions? See Miss Baker (H4) ALL GIFTS SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO RECEPTION