TITLE HERE Presented by Name Here Month DD, YYYY
PINKY SWEAR MISSION Helping kids with cancer and their families with financial and emotional support. 2
Mitch Chepokas was diagnosed with bone cancer when he was only nine years old. Even though he was fighting for his life, Mitch realized how fortunate he was. PINKY SWEAR STORY 3
Mitch’s family was always with him at the hospital, but other kids were alone. Since Mitch’s family and friends lived nearby, his room was always filled with visitors and presents. But Mitch knew this wasn’t the case for most kids. PINKY SWEAR STORY 4
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it turns a family’s world upside down. In addition to the nightmare of having a child with cancer, parents need to keep their jobs, pay their bills, and try to make life as normal as possible for the rest of their children. Oftentimes, treatment centers are far away and families can be torn apart for weeks at a time while their child is in the hospital. PINKY SWEAR STORY 5
When Mitch was in the hospital in December, he overheard the family next to him telling their kids that there would not be enough money for Christmas that year. This broke Mitch’s heart. Mitch knew how lucky he was and wanted to pay it forward by helping this family. PINKY SWEAR STORY 6
So after finishing chemotherapy, Mitch’s dad, Steve, helped Mitch into his wheelchair and took him to the bank. Mitch withdrew all the money he had in his savings account - $6,000! PINKY SWEAR STORY 7
Mitch put the money in envelopes for the kids on the pediatric oncology floor at the hospital and he signed each envelope, “Love, Mitch.” Steve and Mitch returned to the hospital and delivered the envelopes by putting them on nightstands, under doors, and on beds. 8
As they were leaving the last room Mitch exclaimed to his dad, “Dad, that is the most fun I have ever had! Let’s do it again next year!” Steve sadly replied, “Buddy, you’re probably not going to be here next year.” PINKY SWEAR STORY 9
So Mitch said, “Dad, pinky swear promise me you will keep helping kids with cancer after I’m gone.” Steve and Mitch make a Pinky Swear Promise that day that Steve would keep helping these families as long as he lived. Mitch passed away on April 11 the following spring. His dad started the Pinky Swear Foundation in his memory and I am helping him keep that Pinky Swear! PINKY SWEAR STORY 10
CHILDHOOD CANCER FACTS Average age of diagnosis: 6 years old 11 Childhood cancer has risen 29% in last 20 years Average family spends 25% of disposable income on non-medical related expenses A child is diagnosed with cancer every 45 minutes One in 11 families with a child with cancer files for bankruptcy
HOW PINKY SWEAR HELPS 13 Worry-free, quality time together out of the hospital Groceries for kids and families: Food on the table Home rescue: Rent & mortgage payments Reliable transportation: Auto payments, repairs and gas cards Payments for bills: Utilities, daycare, and other basic needs Ability to stay with child and reduce expenses: Stocked food pantries in hospitals
HY-VEE PINKY SWEAR KIDS TRI Date Location “Kids racing for kids with cancer” 14