By Nicholas Gray
Food and Drink Most families have soup, fish, lobster, cheeses, hams, chorizo a spicy Spanish sausage and other things. Usually they drink red wine, white wine, sangria a Spanish red wine with fruit, and sparkling cider. Desserts they have are Turrone a cross of fudge and peanut brittle and Flan is a caramelized custard dessert. Another famous dessert is called Rosca de Reyes it is a big donut, if there is a small present in it you are wished good luck.
How It Originated Christmas originated with giving. Unlike the United States, Spain gives out gifts on January 6 th and on Christmas. January 6 th is when the Three Kings followed the star of David to Jesus when he was a baby to give him gifts.
Traditions On Christmas Eve, when the stars come out, little lights are lit in every house to represent the star of David. On December 28 th a feast called Holy Innocents is when young boys light bonfires, one of them acts as mayor and commands the towns people to do chores around the village. On Christmas Day the presents that kids open are clothes, but on Three Kings Day the open up presents from the Kings that are toys.
Christmas! Even though we celebrate Christmas by opening up presents only on Christmas day, Spaniards also open their presents on January 6 th to symbolize the day the Three Kings brought Jesus gifts when he was born.
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