Science Class Thursday, September 10 th, 2015
Warm Up.. Place your backpacks along the back wall Grab your notebook, pencil, scissors, glue, agenda, and warm up sheet on back counter Complete Thursday’s warm up now! DO NOT WORK AHEAD! REMEMBER YOU ARE QUIET IN YOUR SEAT WORKING WHEN THE FINAL BELL RINGS
6.P.2.1 Matter In this unit our objective is to: – Recognize that all matter is made up of atoms and atoms of the same element are all alike, but are different from the atoms of other elements – Where is this objective in our room?
Today’s Agenda.. 1. Reading article and answering questions in complete sentences 2. Rotation around the room activity (notes on elements) 3. Elements in our food Activity using technology
Step 1: Article to Read…. You will receive an article titled The Element Diet Read the article and answer the questions on the back Each question must be copied in your notebook and answered in a complete sentence Does anyone have any questions?
Step 2: Rotation around the room Elements = made from same kind of atoms Elements = can not be broken down further Elements = pure substances
Step 2: Rotation around the room Elements = scientists have identified over 100 naturally occurring elements
Step 3: Elements in my Food Activity…. You will soon get a cereal box to look at the nutritional label Your goal today is to figure out what elements are found inside your cereal You will be using technology to help you
Step 3: Elements in my Food…. As you find the different elements listed on your cereal box, you will write down information You will record the information on a handout that I give you Please refer to your handout as we discuss it as a class….
Elements in my Food…. You are not looking for vitamins, only ELEMENTS The elements will be listed on the lower half of the nutritional label Vitamins include: A, C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B 6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B 12 You will not find vitamins on the periodic table
Step 3: Elements in my Food…. Handout projected on the board…. ELEMENT NAME PERIODIC TABLE SYMBOL (ONLY 1 OR 2 LETTERS) CATEGORYSTANDARD STATE1 INTERESTING FACT What is it made of?
Elements in my Food…. Let’s do 1 element together….. ELEMENT NAME PERIODIC TABLE SYMBOL (ONLY 1 OR 2 LETTERS) CATEGORY STANDARD STATE 1 INTERESTING FACT What is it made of?
Step 5: Interactive Website…. Type in a search box: Human touch of chemistry Click on period table Click launch riodictable.html riodictable.html
Homework…. Study for upcoming assessment on Matter 6.P.2.1