Due Friday - Activity… “interview” a senior H Talk to a senior… find out about their college essay. –What did they write about? How did they choose a topic? What proved most difficult? Who did they receive help from? Did they use the common app, or did their school require a unique topic? How many words? What advice would they give you? H Write your discoveries on a page - be descriptive and detailed!
College Essay / Common App. topics H Research New York Times – H ng-beyond-cliche-how-to-write-a-great-college- essay/ ng-beyond-cliche-how-to-write-a-great-college- essay/ H From your articles: what useful info / advice have you learned?
College Essay / Common App. topics H Research Common App Essays (Examples) H Here’s a good link to read some samples essays: H examples/ examples/ H Continue randomly reading / researching on your own. From your articles: what useful info / advice have you learned?