“United Society” Foundation
General characteristics of the alcohol situation in Russia At the official level, alcohol consumption 14,0-14,5 liters per person per year, in Russia death rate is very high from alcohol-related causes. Hazardous alcohol consumption is typical for Russia. Dominated by spirits (strong alcohol) – from 58 to 75%, the proportion of wine 5,5- 7,5%, beer 19,7% -25% in terms of pure alcohol. From 40 to 60% is the share of illegal alcohol, it’s about 4-5 liters/person/year. Particularly acute is the problem of alcoholism in rural areas and small towns. Alcohol situation in the country is characterized by: 1. The lack of reliable monitoring systems and data both: on the level of consumption and on the level of mortality from alcohol-related causes; 2. Availability of spirits because of the high proportion of illegal alcohol, mainly in industrial production; 2
Data from the report of Nemtsov A, MD Consumption, Average Vl.Treml, Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service, Nemtsov A.V.. Sales Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service Consumption, avr, Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service, Nemtsov Sales, Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service Absolute alcohol (liters per person per year )
3. In 2011 – 2013 a number of laws were implemented with the aim of limiting the availability of alcohol: Ban the sale of alcohol at night Prohibition of any alcohol advertising on TV, the media and the Internet Raising the minimum price on alcohol 4. Low efficiency of the taken measures, because of the lack of controls and their enforcement of the adopted laws 5. In the development of alcohol policy measures, the opinions of scientists, drug treatment specialists, psychologists and the public, were not taken into consideration 6. Actions to reduce alcohol abuse are not complex and systemic 7. Virtually, there are no measures aimed at reducing the demand for alcohol and other drugs. This problem gets worse in the regions (especially among youth) 8. Unavailability of the primary medical drug treatment. 4 General characteristics of the alcohol situation in Russia
Overall mortality among men and women, Russia, Data from the report of A. Nemtsov, MD The standardized mortality rate per 1 million Men Women
Total mortality and alcohol poisoning, Russia, Total mortality by Total mortality Alcohol poisoning Men Women Mortality from alcohol poisoning Data from the report of A. Nemtsov, MD
Diаgnosis of alcohol deaths in Russia (average for ) 7 Types of death (diagnoses)%At M e n Alcohol poisoning100,035,0 Murder73,423,7 Suicide44,527,7 Cardiovascular20,6251,7 Total 23,9522,2 Women Total 15,0175,0 Because of the alcohol abuse 351,7 thousand of men and 135,1 thousand of women die each year Total: 486,8 thousand Data from the report of A. Nemtsov, MD
8 Conducting a study of public opinion Research topic: “Identification of relevant assessments by citizens and experts on the perception of statistical data in relation to the current level of distribution of alcohol dependence and alcohol consumption in the Russian Federation”. Poll: Population (representative sample: of 1500); Expert terms (formalized personal interview): - The scientific community - Officials - Doctors - Public figures Private extended interviews with opinion leaders Geography: all Russia Implementation period: November – December 2012
Q: Are you confident that the measures now being undertaken (policy regarding the sale of alcohol) will reduce the level of alcohol consumption in the country? Only 15% believe in the success of the state’s policy; 61% of respondents doubt that the implemented measures will have an effect; 24% more categorical – “definitely not”; We can say that 85% of respondents do not believe in the effectiveness of the measures taken by the state and implemented policies to combat alcoholism.
Q: In your opinion, is it possible to solve the drinking problem in Russia? 8 51% believe that it is possible to solve the problem of alcoholism in Russia, but only in the distant future; 28% doubt the feasibility of such plans; Only 79% of Russians believe that for now drunkenness is ineradicable. Q: In your opinion, is it possible to solve drinking problem in Russia?
Q: What measures do you think would be effective in the struggle against alcohol abuse in Russia? 1. A comprehensive policy on the whole range of problems. A systematic approach in solving problems involving not biased part of the scientific community, not just politicians and security officials. 2. Preventive and educational measures among both young people and students: teaching, explaining, training of general culture. 3. Prevention of alcohol abuse in the workplace, including the introduction of direct action law, requiring employers to conduct anti-alcohol and anti-drug work. 4. Preventive work in primary health care (cardiologists, therapist, traumatologist, etc.). 5. Increase in the cost of strong alcohol and control the production and sale of illegal alcohol. 6. Continuation of the policy of restricting access to alcohol and stricter the liability for its breach, promoting the dangers of alcohol, developing a culture of its use and others. Expert Interviews
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