Info-Tech Research Group1 Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns. © Info-Tech Research Group Inc. Use PaaS to Decrease Ongoing Application Maintenance Costs Take advantage of PaaS to offload components of your application development and deployment maintenance. Info-Tech's products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.© Info-Tech Research Group
Info-Tech Research Group2 Today’s application portfolio can be expensive to maintain in light of increasing pressure to reduce costs. A poorly executed consolidation rollout can result in significant opportunity costs and crippled applications. Introduction Have many applications that use the same type of back-end and mid-tier components. Can no longer sustain the resource overhead of maintaining the existing application portfolio. Need a consolidation roadmap that is based on a cloud solution. Require an ROI-based business case to be built for Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) recommendation. Determine suitability of PaaS for the current application portfolio. Determine the most appropriate PaaS adoption strategy based on opportunity/service mapping. Determine impact on your people, process, and technology stack for each opportunity. Create a prioritized list of services for rollout based on reusability. Communicate with stakeholders. This Research Is Designed for App Dev Managers who: This Research Will Help You:
Info-Tech Research Group3 Executive Summary App Dev Managers are under increasing pressure to perform more with less. This includes maintenance of legacy applications, undertaking new projects, and initiating new phases of existing projects. PaaS offers the ability to consolidate architecture components in the form of reusable services in a cloud infrastructure. Migrating to PaaS requires both a deep and broad understanding of your application portfolio. You must know all the architectural components in order to determine reusability. At the same time, you must also know how components are integrated. Start any PaaS migration with an assessment of applications that are important to the business. This provides the basis for maximum impact in a pilot phase. Implementing PaaS can have a significant effect on your application portfolio. The consolidation effort will reduce the architectural footprint, but any per transaction cost with a PaaS vendor can quickly offset any gains. Migrating to PaaS can also impact your technical team. If many of the commonly used services are migrated to a third-party cloud vendor, internal resources will need to be reallocated. It may also be necessary to train development teams on how to develop in a PaaS environment.
Info-Tech Research Group4 What’s in this Section:Sections: Make the Case Step 1: Select the Applications Step 2: Document PaaS Opportunities Step 3: Select the Right PaaS Services Step 4: Rollout and Monitor PaaS Realize that many organizations are suffering from development and maintenance pains. See the benefits of introducing PaaS. Use this toolkit to help you identify PaaS opportunities to reduce development and maintenance costs.
Info-Tech Research Group5 Today’s app development is under increasing pressure to reduce costs and increase scalability and accessibility Understand why development organizations are feeling the pain. The platform is the problem! App departments are frustrated! App development and maintenance departments are being pressed by CIOs to look for ways to reduce development and maintenance costs without deteriorating the overall app quality and throughput. The business is constantly pushing IT to improve app accessibility and increase service offerings. Given limited resources and a tight budget, developers are struggling to meet these demands. A poorly implemented or fragmented platform can increase the complexity of the IT architecture, which often leads to malfunctioning applications and high operation and maintenance costs. Traditional platforms tend to have limited scale and provision of new infrastructure is not possible. This limits the opportunity for reusability, driving up time-to-market and maintenance costs. The underlying infrastructure for on-premise platforms restricts the capacity and performance of a platform. This is a cloud PaaS value proposition – understand the relationship of specific infrastructure entities to platform services to fully discover opportunities for reusability and elasticity. [Using PaaS]… JPMorgan Chase achieved an estimated 700 percent increase in developer productivity, a 50 day reduction in time-to-market for new apps, a 30 percent increase in infrastructure utilization and a subsequent 45 percent reduction in associated costs. -- Deutscher M., “PaaS Boosts Developer Productivity, Infrastructure Utilization at Chase Bank,” March 2013
Info-Tech Research Group6 What is the industry saying? “80% of what you build will run better on PaaS – maybe even 95%.” -- Sacha Labourney, CloudBees “Enterprises that are moving some applications to the cloud are hoping to gain ‘greater resiliency and interoperability with different environments’ even if the applications weren’t originally designed for the cloud.” -- Paul Burns, Neovise LLC “You don’t need to put everything there, but you want to put 100% of your development on PaaS.” -- Labourney, CEO CloudBees “If I have that budget to spend on resources, I should be spending that budget and that time on developers who are going to be innovative.” -- Matt Fischer, Early PaaS Adopter “Managing cloud integration consumes roughly 10-12% of business’ PaaS budgets.” -- GetCloudServices, 2012 “Developers deem development environments (24%), test environments (14%), and migration among PaaS providers (13%) as the most important within various PaaS attributes.” -- “What are Developers’ Preferences on Platform as a Service? An Empirical Investigation,” Giessmann et al., 2013 “It’s clear PaaS is where the market is going.” -- Microsoft, Windows Azure Team
Info-Tech Research Group7 The cloud stack maps to an application stack. It is composed of SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS which are essentially the application, platform, and infrastructure layers in a cloud environment. Basic principles and practices still apply to the cloud since traditional concepts still hold true. Leverage your existing dev process to minimize the costs and impact. PaaS will streamline the dev and maintenance process with a small learning curve, reusable services, and an elastic architecture. PaaS improves the throughput and quality of app development and maintenance SaaS PaaS IaaS Pivot well known principles to the cloud Leverage the unique benefits of PaaS Reusable Services – PaaS contains a pool of modularized services which developers can leverage through APIs or other integration techniques. This reduces the amount of duplicate custom coding and integration. Supported by IaaS – Since PaaS is a service that abstracts IaaS, infrastructure is no longer a primary concern for you. In PaaS, the vendor’s infrastructure is made for elasticity and can easily scale up or down based on the needs of your application platform. Cloud Stack App Platform Infra Traditional Stack Development Principles For more information about the cloud offerings, refer to Appendix A.Appendix A
Info-Tech Research Group8 Rolling out PaaS follows a similar roadmap as classic platform migration View PaaS like any other platform: services are mapped to applications through a defined architecture that needs to satisfy stakeholder requirements. BusinessTechnical Stakeholder Requirements Applications Architecture Platform Services Applications are built from use cases which are defined by business requirements and they are structured based on a particular architecture. Integration points should be clearly defined to accommodate any app and architecture changes. The arrangement and composition of entities in an architecture are based on requirements. An application’s mapping to platform services is, in turn, defined by the architecture. Stakeholders expect a high level of accessibility, performance, and availability from their applications. Ensure that any changes to the platform do not result in deteriorating app quality and throughput. Implementing new services will disrupt the architecture in some way. Conducting an impact analysis of these services helps gauge the level of required change. © Info-Tech Research Group Platform Migration Impact Model
Info-Tech Research Group9 Each tab in this tool will help you assess the impact and cost of each application in your portfolio. This tool will be used throughout this toolkit. Use Info-Tech’s Platform-as-a-Service Rollout Tool to document and track your PaaS-related activities Info-Tech’s Platform-as-a-Service Rollout ToolPlatform-as-a-Service Rollout Tool Ensure your evaluation is accurate by including multiple business and IT stakeholders from various departments in the details gathering, evaluation, and discussions. The PaaS Rollout Tool: Info-Tech’s Platform-as-a-Service Rollout Tool can be used to collect information about the appropriateness of existing applications on PaaS and of the opportunities PaaS provides to increase productivity and reduce costs. The tool will help you: Identify high value applications and opportunities. Realize the benefits of using PaaS for applications. Ensure PaaS opportunities are achieved in the most efficient manner.
Info-Tech Research Group10 Focus your efforts on applications that are valuable to the business. Determine the value of each application based on service breadth and deployment flexibility. Document opportunities that benefit apps and gauge alignment with business/technical requirements. Calculate one-time and ongoing costs of enabling opportunities without PaaS. Conduct an ROI and impact analysis on all applicable PaaS services to determine the best fit. PaaS Toolkit Roadmap A successful PaaS implementation plan requires ROI analysis, consistent communication, and careful execution to align with business and IT expectations. Run through this toolkit to assess and gauge the opportunity for success and to identify ideal pilot initiatives. Involve both IT and business stakeholders throughout this toolkit. Assess the costs and performance across multiple vendors. How To Use This Toolkit: 1. Select the Application 2. Document PaaS Opportunities 3. Select the Right PaaS Services 4. Rollout and Monitor PaaS A prioritized set of PaaS services is defined based on application value score, requirement alignment, complexity, costs, and ROI. Monitor rollout against metrics and requirements.
Info-Tech Research Group11 How to use this blueprint We recommend that you supplement the Best-Practice Blueprint with a Guided Implementation. For most Info-Tech members, these Guided Implementations are included in your membership plan.* Our expert analysts will provide telephone assistance to you and your team at key project milestones to review your materials, answer your questions, and explain our methodology. Info-Tech Research Group’s expert analysts will come onsite to help you work through our project methodology in a 2-5 day project accelerator workshop. We take you through every phase of the project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully. In some cases, we can even complete the project while we are onsite. Do-It-Yourself Implementation Use this Best-Practice Blueprint to help you complete your project. The slides in this Blueprint will walk you step-by-step through every phase of your project with supporting tools and templates ready for you to use. Project Accelerator Workshop You can also use this Best- Practice Blueprint to facilitate your own project accelerator workshop within your organization using the workshop slides and facilitation instructions provided in the Appendix. Book your workshop now by ing: Best-Practice Blueprint Free Guided ImplementationOnsiteWorkshops * Gold and Silver level subscribers only Or calling: Ext There are multiple ways you can use this Info-Tech Best-Practice Blueprint in your organization. Choose the option that best fits your needs:
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