Performance and Effectiveness
Objectives for Week Nine Midterm Evaluations Discuss the BHA Case Linking Course Concepts to Implementation Discussion of Assignment # 2 Sandfort’s article
Midterm Evaluations Rainey is not the ideal textbook Too much material, too quickly Too much theory Frustrations with projects/group Frustrations with powerpoint slides Lack of clear expectations for written assignments
Strategic Plan for BHA What are three short-term actions that should be taken? What are three long-term issues that need resolution? How do we evaluate these alternatives? – Effectiveness (outputs and outcomes) – Costs – Time and feasibility How could we track outputs and outcomes? Improving Implementation
Linking Theory to BHA Case Political versus Non-political Environmental Factors Closed versus Open Systems Approach – How Would Each Explain Failure at the BHA? Service Technology and the BHA Dependent Nature of Power Models of Adaptation – Population ecology, resource dependency, isomorphism
Grant Application Memo Assignment # 2 What were the strengths of this application? What were the weaknesses, shortcomings, or omissions in this application? What do funders look for? What did you recommend? What would you communicate to Wagner?
How Would We Approach Benchmarking Wagner’s Performance? Both introspective and outward looking – Internal v. competitive v. functional benchmarking What can be tracked? What demands are placed upon Wagner? How do these demands translate into benchmarks? Benchmarks versus Best Practices?
Discussion of Sandfort Article What is the difference between traditional and contemporary public administration? What are schema? Does Sandfort have a view of individuals within organizations that is different from other readings or theories?
Readings to Be Completed for Next Class Period Rainey, Chapters 9 and 10 Case: Profit-Sharing For The Public Sector Will Hand out Short Assignment # 3 In-Class Status Updates – Where you are in your project timeline? – Any initial insights, findings, or observations? – Given that you’ve delegated tasks -- how are you going to ensure consistency and quality? – From the following list, describe three organizational features of your client: structure; culture; technology; communication; implementation of services; group process