Decentralized Cooperation: problems, challenges, opportunities Alexandru Osadci Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM) Conference ROLE OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION ROLE OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES IN DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION Tuesday 24 November 2015 Prague
Priority dimensions Lobbying for local autonomy (both nationally and internationally) Fund raising under the conditions of extremely scarce international funds for LGs and politically partial financing available under the national public investment funds for local infrastructure
Lobbying & advocacy Main focus of actions Creation of international partnerships, platforms, ideas, arguments, materials for joint lobbying and advocacy CEMR/Platforma, ALDA, CORLEAP, Congress Council of Europe Two dimensions for advocacy Lobbying for policies Lobbying for funds Communication and awareness raising for all actors both national and international, in Moldova and in EU
Policy lobbying Decentralization and local autonomy – key element for national democracy Without addressing of these issues no funds will assure sustainability of the efforts, no moreover so capacity building, no justice and anti-corruption measures will be effective Understanding at EU level and much more attention than before but not yet reached the ground levels the importance of LGs
Fund raising lobbying Access and eligibility to EU programs (Europe for Citizens, etc.) Budget support for LGs and LGAs EU funds for LGs (bottom up approach) Channeling of funds and modalities of programs administration (direct administration by donors versus national platforms) Transparency, participation in monitoring and steering structures, impartial project selection within national public investment funds for infrastructure Twinning and partnerships between LGs
Capacity building Learning by doing as a general principle for capacity building for LGA Development center for LGs Monitoring and evaluation of decentralization and LGs reforms Joint/integral communication between CALM and LGs at both local and central level More in-depth after reforms and demand driven trainings instead of conventional trainings
Main conclusions Almost non-existent financial support for LGs on behalf of donors Centralized approach in basic services delivery still dominates at the donors level despite the declarations in support of the principle of decentralization and decentralized cooperation Rather weak promotion of the European Charter and of the local autonomy on behalf of donors and international organizations and strong leaning towards the central governments
Potential recommendations Support for decentralization and consolidation of LGs is essential in line with national priorities in this field. Decentralization is also the key to local and national economic development Donors, international organizations and EU Delegations shall pay much more attention to LGs as to closest to the people layer of public administration, bottom-up approach is welcome Support for LGAs where such associations exist is crucial in support of both local and national democracy EU funds available and accessible to LGs – closer to the people and people needs Co-financing shall be eliminated as this creates distortions both for efficiency and for fairness – central governments do not co-finance, LGs are the most trusted/efficient and interested actors in funds and projects, only few more affluent LGs can afford co-financing
Dimensions for addressing LGs needs Decentralized cooperation – main focus LGs and civil society at the local level Building capacities, constituency and advocacy of national actors within the concrete national reforms Perspective types of aid interventions in order of priorities Policy level Funds for local infrastructure projects Targeted and tailored capacity building to the reform dimensions CALM Development center and services for the LGs Undesirable types of interventions Through the central government Conventional trainings Support to local actors – civil society & LGs (building their capacities) rather then to international organizations Separate studies and analysis (only within the context of the concrete interventions and reforms) Less results based actions – more process based interventions
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