SpreadsheetsDatabase Technology Terms Desktop Publishing Word Processing Web Designs Technology Terms Cont
Clicking on the heading is the easiest way to select entire what? What is…? Spreadsheets for $100
Column or Row! Back to Game
If you are in cell B9 and you enter =B1, what is it called? What is…? Spreadsheets for $200
Linking Cells! Back to Game
What icon do you use to place an addition formula in the selected cell? What is…? Spreadsheets for $300
The AutoSum Icon! Back to Game
What format is an address (2932 Main St. Apt. 21)? What is…? Spreadsheets for $400
Text! Back to Game
What program would you use to create a client list for a dentist’s office? What is…? Database for $100
Database! Back to Game
Sorting data from A-Z is called what? What is…? Database for $200
Ascending Back to Game
Sorting data from Z-A is called what? What is…? Database for $300
Descending! Back to Game
What is…? Database for $400 A single unit of data in a database is called what?
A field! Back to Game
Copying someone else’s work and calling it your own is called what? What is…? Word Processing for $100
Plagiarism. Back to Game
What is Times New Roman an example of? What is…? Word Processing for $200
A Font! Back to Game
What is…? Word Processing $300 What organization tool is used to aid in the writing process, present ideas and materials in a logical form?
An Outline! Back to Game
What is…? Word Processing for $400 What is an organizational graphic used by Microsoft Word to help communicate information?
SmartArt! Back to Game
What is…? Technology Terms for $100 A printer is an example of what type of device?
Back to Game An Output Device!
What is…? Technology Terms for $200 A keyboard is an example of what type of device?
An Input Device! Back to Game
What is…? Technology Terms for $300 What device is used to communicate with other computers?
A Modem! Back to Game
What is…? Technology Terms for $400 What software program is generally designed for the management of text?
Back to Game
What is…? Desktop Publishing for $100 Unused space on a document is called what?
White Space Negative Space Dead Space Back to Game
What is…? Desktop Publishing $200 Images that are used on a document are called what?
Back to Game Graphics!
What is…? Desktop Publishing $300 This is who a document is designed for.
Back to Game The Audience!
What is…? Desktop Publishing for $400 When creating a professional document, you should use a minimal amount of these.
Fonts Back to Game
What is…? Web Designs for $100 Colors that are high in contrast or complementary colors are called what?
Back to Game Clashing Colors!
What is…? Web Designs for $200 The main folder which contains all the documents and folders to that project is called...
Back to Game Root Folder
What is…? Web Designs for $300 A title on a website can also be referred to as a ______?
A Banner! Back to Game
What is…? Web Designs for $400 What does HTML stand for?
Hyper Text Markup Language! Back to Game
The CELL REFERENCE for a range of cells that starts in A1 and goes over to D10 would be referred to as... What is…? Technology Terms Cont. for $100
Back to Game A1:D10 address : address through
What is…? Technology Terms Cont. for $200 A program that aids in creating visually appealing publication is referred to as ______ _______.
Back to Game Desktop Publishing!
What is…? Technology Terms Cont. for $300 An electronic filing system is called what?
A Database! Back to Game
What is…? Technology Terms Cont. for $400 A software program that allows you to use rows and columns of data to organize information is called what?
Back to Game A Spreadsheet!