Executive Search - 1 The Future Market of Executive Search Firms Qualitative Search May 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Executive Search - 1 The Future Market of Executive Search Firms Qualitative Search May 2010

Executive Search - 2 What is a Head Hunter?

Executive Search - 3 Companies and Human Resource Access Scenarios Factors

Executive Search - 4 Revolution in Communication Direct Access to Information The Networking

Executive Search - 5 Revolution in Communication Technological revolution in communication, and especially Internet has brought big changes in human resources as well: – A lot of information is faster and more accessible through Internet For candidates For companies, who can make searches, get precious information for searches, etc. – The networking has given birth to tool who can get in touch people in real time, even those who can even do not know each other ma have things in common: Facebook for a personal use Linkedinfor a more professional use  Announcements and interviews are no more the only tools to meet potential candidates and companies.

Executive Search - 6 Thinking GlobalActing Local

Executive Search - 7 Thinking Global, Acting Local Internationalisation and globalisation are processes nobody can stop. They force companies to think to human resources in a geographically more complex way. On the other hand, the need to make decisions more and more efficient lead to the importance to be concentrated on local and more and more specific problems.

Executive Search - 8 An“Open Source” Company The Relationship with Universities The growing role of the company website The Employer Branding The Talent Management

Executive Search - 9 An “Open Source” Company Companies are more open – we could say “open source”. – The talent management is often a corporate value. There is the need to identify since the beginning the high potentials and to dedicate to them special paths. – The employer branding is a tool used by the bigger or more dynamic companies. The company does not communicate to his potential and present but also to his potential and present employees, showing them the advantages to be part of the organisation and then inviting them to join it – Companies have established a closer and closer link with universities –...and their internet websites are more and more popular to communicate to potential employees, collecting resumés and giving company information.

Executive Search - 10 ? The Crisis… …will everything go back the way it was before?

Executive Search - 11 The Impact of Crisis... Obviously, among the Scenarios, there is the crisis... The crisis that have damaged almost all industries. If this crisis has dramatically limited the company capacity to get new human resources, the most important question is “when the crisis will end, will everything go back the way it was before?” For almost all those who were interviewed the answer is no. The crisis will change future scenarios.

Executive Search - 12 The Executive Search Emerging Companies Needs and Trends

Executive Search - 13 La The Level of Services

Executive Search - 14 The Level of Services The first trend, who already started years ago, is about a progressive service difference: – Because of new technogies, relationship with external orgnisations like universities, or specific company tools, part of the need of human resources is satisfied in an indipendent way by the company itself. – Then another part of the need is satisfied by big companies originally born for temporary jobs, who today provide resources more and more of low management. – Selection firms are then more and more focused on executive search and must become specialised in it.

Executive Search - 15 The Consultant Added value Today companies see executive seach more and more as a consultant support who gives value to the different parts of the process: – Analyzing together human resources needs – Giving a benchmarking and mapping service on job description, role and salary – Analyzing together internal resouces and considering together potential external resouces – During search and presentation of candidates – During the final decision where the consultant may have a main role to give proper suggestions to the client and to properly motivate the candidate – During the follow up. In all these parts of the process giving a continous feedback is needed.

Executive Search - 16 What New Qualities to Adapt to Changes?

Executive Search - 17 From Head Hunters... …to Talent Scout.

Executive Search - 18 From Head Hunter to Talent Scout... A big change is from “head hunter”, who is called simply to be “unleashed” searching for a top manager.. …to the role of talent scout. For talent we mean someone who is tailored for the specific position and also is a high potential for the future.

Executive Search - 19 From Database Manager.... …to analyst and player in active networking.

Executive Search - 20 From database manager to analyst and player in active networking In the past our firms were many times basically managing databases. Even if databases are today important tools, today’s changes made this tool less “exclusive” (because perceived like something accessible by many) and less powerful (because often not updated). In the future the executive searcher will be more and more able to manage the network in a professional way. In the sense to be the one to play and to create contacts, and also in the sense to observe – through his connections and relations - what high potentials do.

Executive Search - 21 From emergency Problem solvers... …to proactive partners.

Executive Search - 22 From emergency problem solvers.... to proactive partners. Many times companies call us when there is an urgent need to solve, an emergency they couldn’t solve in other ways. Many times our client is forced to act this way. However there is also the need to deal with a more proactive consultant. Someone who is not waiting for the phone ring. Someone who is always close to the client for sharing ideas and information, offering new and more sophisticated tools. Someone who can be considered a partner all days and not only in case of need.

Executive Search - 23 A People Business Among People From an open position assignment... …to a trustworthy, focused and specific relationship.

Executive Search - 24 A People Business Among People The Executive Search Business is a business concerning people and necessarily made among people: – The trustworhy relationship, the deep knowledge the consultant needs to have about his client, his history, his organisation, his strenghs and weaknesses, are key factors for a successful relationship. – On the other hand our client doesn’t need someone who deal with him just because there is an open assignment, but needs someone who puts himself in his shoes and makes his brain work to solve his problems, creating solutions and sharing them with him.

Executive Search - 25 From recruiters.... …to motivators.

Executive Search - 26 From Recruiters to Motivators In today’s complex scenarios, managers are often confused and uncertain: leave the old way to the new one? Enjoying the status quo or risking because accepting new challenges? The executive searcher role should change accordingly. From a pure recruiter, where all he has to do is to find the candidate, to a consultant who has to orient and convince candidates, with the ability to give them right motivations and showing them the advantages of the new way.