ICT Laptops Passwords Encryption Back-ups Data Protection and the Internet Viruses Social Networking / Professional Conduct
Care of Laptops No food or drink Do not hold heavy objects over the keys Use the carry case & zip it up! Close lid and support laptop by base Beware of trailing cables Take care to align pins when connecting to projector
Projectors CONNECT all cabling first Power up the PROJECTOR Switch the LAPTOP on
Passwords Passwords should be at least eight characters long and contain at least one of each of the following characters: –Upper case letter –Lower case letter –Number –Symbol etc.) Best password length > 13 characters Best to change at least every ninety days
Avoid Using Dictionary words in any language Words spelled backwards, common misspellings, and abbreviations Sequences or repeated characters – , , abcdefg, or adjacent letters on your keyboard (qwerty) Personal information –Your name, birthday, driver's license, passport number, or similar information
Memorising Writing a password down is OK but: –Keep it safe and secure –Do not store it near or on the computer –No post it notes on monitors!
Permutations Available CharactersPermutationsFactor Alphabet2663 x Add case5230 x Add numbers62136 x ,164 Add special characters955 x , character95426 x ,768, characters9537 x ,000, characters952 x x Based on an 8 character password
Top Passwords From an analysis from real server breaches on the Internet –Passwords in the list are used by 99.8% of all users –40% of all passwords appear in the top 100 –71% of all passwords appear in the top 500
Encryption Means of scrambling data so that it can only be accessed with a password / key Protect the encryption password with extreme diligence Only effective when the machine is off or device is removed
Backup Suitability from best to worst: –CD (700MB) / DVD (4.7GB) –External hard disc (500GB) –Web based backup service (2-5GB) –USB memory stick (32GB) –Doing nothing There are potential security & data protection issues with web based services
Backup Procedure Always use COPY and not MOVE Verify that you can open backed up files Best to do regular full backups A least termly Backups will not be encrypted Make it easy and save all files in one location e.g. C:\Data
Data Protection Data protection applies to printed documents as well as electronic data Schedule 7 of the DPA: –Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
Security Breach Examples Imagine a potential security breach: –Leaving unencrypted data on a USB key –Leaving printed documents on public transport –Losing your phone –Losing your laptop –Disclosing your password
Document Handling Data or documents containing personal data must: –Be secured in a locked cabinet or area –Be protected by a strong password –Have access restricted to appropriate personnel only –Be encrypted before transfer –Not be left in plain view –Be destroyed securely
Never provide personal details in an or in response to an request Check the sender – does the address look right? Avoid links in s Does the 'ring true'? Look out for URLs ending in.tk.cc.info
'Reset' Example
UPS Example
Junk / Spam Folder
Have You Been Hacked?
Internet Beware of pop-ups Beware of obfuscated links Inappropriate web sites Virus scams
Pop-up Blocker Under Tools menu in IE9 Make sure it is turned on Close pop-ups with ALT+F4
Obfuscated Links Harmful addresses hidden behind innocuous looking links Google image search Link text can be anything Obfuscation
Anti Virus Programs Two programs are in general use: –Sophos –Microsoft Security Essentials
Detection Results
Social Networks Do not use on school provided computers Be mindful of your 'on-line reputation' No-one under 13 should be using Facebook Do not 'friend' students
Professional Conduct...uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school... eOrderingDownload/teachers%20standards.pdf
Advice and Support