MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Date: March 3, 2011 Originator: Tricia Pittman/EO20 Page: 1 Kids in Micro-G Operations Summary (Kids in Microgravity) “ Kids in Micro-G" is a student experiment design challenge geared toward grades 5-8.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Date: March 3, 2011 Originator: Tricia Pittman EO/20 Page: 2 Payload Overview Kids in Micro-G is a National Lab sponsored payload worked in conjunction with the Teaching From Space Office. This student experiment design challenge is geared toward grades 5-8. Experiments were submitted by schools around the country to the National Lab. The winning experiments were chosen by a joint NASA National Lab panel. MAIN OBJECTIVE The objective of this educational project is to give middle school students a hands-on opportunity to design an experiment or a simple demonstration that could be performed both in the classroom and aboard the International Space Station (ISS). OPERATIONS Crewmembers will perform student-designed experiments to compare results when performed in a micro-g environment as opposed to being performed in a 1-g classroom environment. The materials used for these demonstrations are constructed using supplies from the ISS Pantry on board the ISS. Photos and video of crew performing experiments will be taken for each experiment.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Date: June 14, 2016 Originator: Tricia Pittman/EO20 Page: 3 Nominal Operations There are a total of six individual experiments. As many as possible are to be executed during the school year prior to the end June. Procedures and will reside in the library on board the ISS. The procedures will link to the student video and talking points. Generic activities will be used for all the experiments (one time submittal of activity forms). Execution notes will reference the location of the OBT. T:\Payloads\Reference\Kids in Micro-G\XXX. These activities will be time lined and shown in OSTPV. The US SODF camcorder procedure will be used for camcorder setup. No PODF P/TV procedure is required for photos or video. For planning purposes, the generic video/setup activity will be used.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Nominal Operations (cont.) A onetime only 20 min Kids in Micro-G Payload Overview OBT will be scheduled prior to experiments operations. A 45 min review will be time lined prior to individual experiment ops. This review period will allow the crew to become familiar with the experiment and gather needed materials. The content of the procedures will be submitted via OCR, the contents of which are not subject to technical review. POIF does not own the content of this messages. They were designed by the children and were pre-coordinated among National Lab Office, Crew Office, and POIF. A generic sequencing will be used for all experiment activities: i.e. Crew Review/OBT, Video Setup, Experiment Ops, and Stow. There are no malfunction or corrective procedures. The crew member performs the experiment as close as possible to how it was performed in the classroom. If the crewmember encounters difficulties during the execution of the experiment, he/she just notes the results and continues to the best of his/her ability. There are no crew call downs in the procedures. Date: June 14, 2016 Originator: Tricia Pittman/EO20 Page: 4
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Nominal Operations (cont.) Crew Interaction One general OBT session will be conducted to give the crew an overview of what Kids in Micro-G is all about. Specific information about each experiment will be provided by a student created video clip. A second crewmember will shoot HD video and digital still shots during the course of the experiment. Safety An Initial Safety TIM was conducted; each experiment was reviewed by the ISS Payload Safety Review Panel (PSRP). Minor safety hazards have been identified in several experiments. The safety hazard and its mitigation will be controlled within that specific procedure. Date: June 14, 2016 Originator: Tricia Pittman/EO20 Page: 5
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Nominal Operations (cont.) Data The video and photos will be downlinked at a later time, no realtime video downlink is required. There are no S-band voice requirements. There are no Ku requirements during this session. Commanding No PRO Commanding is required. Date: June 14, 2016 Originator: G. Ferraro/EO20 Page: 6
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Roles and Responsibilities National Lab NLO is the liaison for the procedures authors (students). NLO is operationally responsible for the procedures, activity forms, and video clips. National Lab will be submitting OCRs for this payload. The Principal Investigator is the Student with National Lab representation. Please keep in mind each experiment will only be conducted one time. PARs or PAILs will not be necessary to track anomalies. REMEMBER: The object is to engage school children and get them interested in science and space. ANY RESULT is a good result and a valuable learning experience for the student! Date: June 14, 2016 Originator: Tricia Pittman/EO20 Page: 7
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Huntsville, Alabama Roles and Responsibilities (cont.) Date: March 3, 2011 Originator: Tricia Pittman/EO20 Page: 8 Ops Lead Responsibilities Ops Lead is an advisor to NLO to help them with POIC ops processes. Ops Lead may augment the interface between POIC and the NLO. Prior to OCR submission, Ops Lead reviews and provides comments to NLO regarding operability, readability, and Station Support Equipment OpNom.