Wait for your journal page to be passed out before doing anything! BUT, start thinking about what you may be asked to do here….
Daily Learning Goal— Within the LEVEL 3 on your learning Scale (Investigate the concepts of average speed, instantaneous speed and constant speed of a moving object.) our FOCUS today is: Explain how the terms scalar and vector are associated with speed, velocity, and acceleration. use models to describe scalar and vector quantities. *See “Evidence of Learning” Mechanical Energy—Motion Honors— SC.912.P.12.2 Analyze the motion of an object in terms of its position, velocity, and acceleration (with respect to a frame of reference) as functions of time. SC.912.P.12.1Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities and assess which should be used to describe an event. MS Credit– (Honors still has to cover) – SC.6.P.12.1 Measure and graph distance versus time for an object moving at a constant speed. Interpret this relationship. *and embedded benchmarks
On your paper, sketch and describe (using terms FROM LAST ENERGY UNIT) what will go on as this skater moves from Roman Numerals 1 to 5. *Include transfers if you can! ….If you finish before the people at your table, grab a computer and log on. Go to
CORNELL NOTES 1. READ the article on the website (link on twedt.com). twedt.com 2. CLICK ALL HYPERLINKS, and record definitions and cues. 3. Watch animations and write down examples on your cues side, AND summarize the content you read. You are taking notes WITH the person next to you so DISCUSS what is most important to write down! 4. **Honors Class—You are responsible for the calculations. IF You finish, I want you to GRAPH THIS: *Graphs are in the article. *Remember ITMLX DORRY! 1. READ the article on the website (link on twedt.com). twedt.com 2. CLICK ALL HYPERLINKS, and record definitions and cues. 3. Watch animations and write down examples on your cues side, AND summarize the content you read. You are taking notes WITH the person next to you so DISCUSS what is most important to write down! 4. **Honors Class—You are responsible for the calculations. IF You finish, I want you to GRAPH THIS: *Graphs are in the article. *Remember ITMLX DORRY!
Go back to the description of the skater from the start of class (on the front of your paper). ADD the new terminology you just read about! APPLY what you just read and LOOK at how ENERGY and MOTION correlate!!!!