TOWARD CONVERGENCE DA-07-P6: Data Integration and Analysis System It is expected that there will be a large increase in the volume of Earth Observation data. In addition to distributed data archives and integration system, data management facilities will be used for diverse and large-volume Earth Observation data from inhomogeneous information sources in cooperation with existing data centres. This task is to coordinate data management approaches that encompass a broad perspective of the observation data life cycle, from input through processing, achieving, and dissemination, including reprocessing, analysis and visualization of large volumes and diverse type of data WORK PLAN
slide 2 DA : Description of the Work The Task should establish alliances among existing data centers for effective management of large volumes and diverse type of Earth observation data. The system development shall be coordinated with providers of satellite and in-situ data and model outputs including their metadata System functionalities from input through processing, archiving, and dissemination, including reprocessing, analysis and visualization shall be coordinated with wide-range user communities. Case studies shall be designed as demonstration projects for at least 3 SBAs
slide 3 The primary output will be a design of a system alliance for GEOSS data integration and analysis. Secondary outputs will be demonstrations of case studies on GEOSS data integration, analysis and their applications at workshops. DA-07-06: Output & Deliverables
slide 4 1. Reduction and Prevention of Disasters 2. Human Health and Epidemiology 3. Energy Management 4. Climate Variability & Change 5. Water Management 6. Weather Forecasting 7. Ecosystems 8. Agriculture 9. Biodiversity GEOSS will Address Nine Societal Benefit Areas
7 Climate Model Agriculture&Fishery
100 year prediction of world agriculture J F M A M J J A S O S D Cultivated Species Cropping Calendar wheat corn rice Hanasaki, Oki et. al, submitting
9 Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period Data Management Distributed- and Centralized- Data Integration Functions In-situ satellite model NCAR MPI UT/JAXA In-situ Computing Power Computing Power Distributed Integration Services GrADS/ DODS for Subsets GrADS/ DODS for Subsets GrADS/ DDDS for Subsets Centralized Integration Services Three Unique Capabilities
10 Service Access Layer Comm. Public Science Comm. Access Non-European agencies ground segments GEOSS Access ESA Satellite/ Missions other European Mission ground segment Na t EO Data Access Integration Layer EUMETSAT Data integration GMES Services ESA Missions Ground Segment In-situ Static Geo-spatial
11 Core Functions of Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) Climate Water cycle Eco- system Creation of success model Insurance and sanitary data schemer Water cycle data schemer Land utilizing data schemer Ontology Data Interoperability Metadata Schemer, large capacity and diversification Lifecycle Data Management Storage Capacity over 1 PB Advanced User Interface Data mining Data Integration