The truth of life is that real wealth is not in the physical plane but in the fourth dimensional form of thoughts and idea. When a man wants to scale from poverty to riches his number one task is to build his mind with possibility, refine it and improve upon the emanating thoughts and skills; and to abound in wealth becomes natural with him. What you do not imagine cannot come to you.
Note: You can also use this material for a specific area of your life (any area where you need improvement). Success is about principle. The simple steps to building tremendous success in life whether in your finances or any other area starts with quality visualization cycle as discussed below:
Every creation and solution starts at the fourth- dimension, so it is your journey to financial freedom. True success emerges from deep within men. That is why great success requires deliberate process that must begin from inside out. To be rich you must be able to see wealth within (in the thought realm – not just seeing it but being able to figure it out.
Rule 1: Take a look at the man you are now, and then gradually crystallize out a new picture of the quality or lifestyle you want to exhibit that suit your dream of financial freedom. Rule 2: Now get a pen and copiously write out all the new characteristics of the new look - there should be no clash with your utmost fulfilment for life and dream. Rule 3: Release yourself to the thought of possibility devoid of struggles Rule 4: You are for once disallowed from doing anything besides thinking Step 1: The Magnificent Glimpse
Re-crop Your Thought With the new thoughts of new financial possibility until the new thought settles within you as your new reality … it is about sustaining the new thought picture Step 2 of 4: Replace the Old Thought With the New
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. For another 21 days be committed to swap an old unproductive thought with a new one, after this it becomes easier to practice because you would likely start seeing the dividend of a changed thought pattern. You can use this for any area of your life you may need some changes. Exercise:
If you are filled with the thought of poverty, how long does it take you to put on the new thought of being rich or prosperous? You cannot win a battle which you lost deep within you. All battles are firstly won or lost at the thought realm. You cannot drive an action successfully when your thought is not well focused.
Step 3 of 4: Watch Your Words. Harmonize your mental picture, your thought and words in agreement with the magnificent picture of your unique concept, vision or goals. Ultimately, it is what you say that come to be
Put Your Voice on Paper Translate your grand financial dream into A vision statement A mission statement A document of declaration If you don’t tell people what you stand for they will not know how to place you. Without verbalizing your dream or thought, it can never see the light of the day.
Do The Picture, Do The Thought, And Do The Words If the picture you have within is alive, you will propel yourself on in spite of a thousand defeats or rejection. Step 4 of 4: TAKE ACTION
EXERCISES What is the big picture? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Small Actions Gather to create the changes you want: What small action can you carry out daily in the next one month, 1 year, 5 years, etc? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________