Philippine Network for Injury Data Management System National Center for Disease Prevention and Control National Epidemiology Center Information Management Service
Brief Background Major Tasks and Accomplishments DOH Injury Harmonization Team Presentations Website Functional Design Document Technical Design Outline of Discussions
To address the alarming number of road traffic crashes, the 2004 Philippine Road Safety Action Plan (RSAP) was developed by the inter-agency Road Safety Committee headed by the Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC). The Department of Health (DOH) is a member of the National Road Safety Committee. The Department of Health developed in 2006 a national policy and strategic framework on child injury prevention to guide stakeholders in planning interventions for injury prevention. In 2007, a more comprehensive national violence and injury prevention program was developed and sought to establish collaborative work among various agencies and sectors to prevent morbidity, mortality, and disability from violence and injuries in all ages.
In December 2007, it conducted training for regional health coordinators on violence and injury prevention. In terms of program planning, it integrated road safety into the comprehensive violence and injury prevention program which sought to establish collaborative work among various agencies and sectors to prevent morbidity, mortality, and disability from violence and injuries in all age groups. In 2009, the Online National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (ONEISS) was developed and implemented.
A multi-sectoral organization composed of government agencies and non-government organizations that will establish and maintain a coordinated data management system that can link, integrate, or combine injury data from various sources or systems to provide an overall picture for policy makers at the national, regional, and local levels.
1.Department of Transportation and Communications 2.Headquarters Highway Patrol Group – Philippine National Police 3.United Nations Children’s Fund 4.Metropolitan Manila Development Authority 5.Department of Health 6.Land Transportations Office 7.Department of Public Works and Highways 8.Safe Kids Philippines 9.World Health Organization
Oversight Committee Technical Working Group Head or duly authorized representative of all the member government agencies and non- government organizations. It shall function as the decision making of the network and shall review and act upon all the recommendations of the Technical Working Group. Permanent and alternate member representing each of the designated member government agency and non-government organization. Secretariat (DOH)
Network and Database Support Software Maintenance Support Help Desk Support Peter Emmans Palma Alexander Saluñga Almond James Cruz Janus Ma. Elena Lozada Mayeth Ostorio Racquel Joyce Santos Mark Anthony Timario Policarpio Ventura Jr. National Center for Disease Prevention and Control Data Processing and Analysis Support Claire Luna Cynthia Mariano Issa Fe Erwa Information Management Service National Epidemiology Center
1.Development and maintenance of the PNIDMS website - Done and for comments 2.Design and implementation of the most efficient and effective way of how injury systems and/or data from various sources can be integrated or linked to obtain real value from information. - On-going functional and technical design Facilitate data collection, management, transmission, analysis, access, dissemination, and sharing of injury-related data. 3. Development of standards (policies and/or procedures) to synchronize all related injury reporting systems or data to eliminate duplication, improve the quality of data/information, and optimize government resources. a.System/Data Integration and Sharing Standards b.Data Management Standards c.Network Standards d.Manual of Operations for the PNIDMS
1.System Objectives 2.Scope and Limitations
Health Facility with computer but without existing software (Online Reporting System)
Health Facility with computer and with existing computer- based information system (Data Upload System)
3. Harmonized Data Sets 4. Process Flow Diagram 5. Reports 6. Functional specifications
1.System Architecture 2.Data Model / Entity Relationship Diagram 3. Database Structure
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