OTS The Best of Native Apps and the Mobile Web Duncan Cragg
AppStore Mobile Device Pure Native Apps e.g.: iOS / Android; Objective-C / Java App Server app protocols full device access App download mobile- oriented runnable code and layouts
Fast, Slick, Tactile Interfaces Close to your Mobile Stuff Close to the Device Work Well Offline Mashable, Linkable, Sharable Distributable: Just a Link Easy to Program Cross-Platform Pure Native Apps e.g.: iOS / Android; Objective-C / Java
Server Mobile Device Pure Web Documents e.g.: HTML5 / CSS3 alone, no JS APIs Doc download or submit HTTP very limited device access Browser Doc Server Doc links large text- & page- oriented docs
Fast, Slick, Tactile Interfaces Close to your Mobile Stuff Close to the Device Work Well Offline Mashable, Linkable, Sharable Distributable: Just a Link Easy to Program Cross-Platform Pure Web Documents e.g.: HTML5 / CSS3 alone, no JS APIs
Server Mobile Device JS Web Apps e.g.: HTML5 JS APIs; JQuery Mobile Doc download or submit HTTP partial device access Browser Doc Server Doc links JS large text- & page- oriented docs + runnable
Fast, Slick, Tactile Interfaces Close to your Mobile Stuff Close to the Device Work Well Offline Mashable, Linkable, Sharable Distributable: Just a Link Easy to Program Cross-Platform JS Web Apps e.g.: HTML5 JS APIs; JQuery Mobile
AppStore Mobile Device Hybrid Web Apps e.g.: WAC, PhoneGap, Titanium App Server App download partial device access HTTP Doc JS large text- & page- oriented docs + runnable
Fast, Slick, Tactile Interfaces Close to your Mobile Stuff Close to the Device Work Well Offline Mashable, Linkable, Sharable Distributable: Just a Link Easy to Program Cross-Platform Hybrid Web Apps e.g.: WAC, PhoneGap, Titanium
Server Mobile Device Start Native, Add Pure Web Doc full device access Server links HTTP
Server Mobile Device OTS Dynamic Mobile Objects e.g.: NetMash Doc two-way dynamic full device access Masher Obj Server Obj links HTTP small nested mobile- oriented dynamic objects
Fast, Slick, Tactile Interfaces Close to your Mobile Stuff Close to the Device Work Well Offline Mashable, Linkable, Sharable Distributable: Just a Link Easy to Program Cross-Platform OTS Dynamic Mobile Objects e.g.: NetMash
OTS User Object { is: user location: { lat: lng: } vcard: }
OTS User Object User vCard
OTS User Object List { is: userlist list: [ : ] }
Users OTS User Object List User A User B User C
Mobile OTS User Object Pushed User A Mobile User A Server User A
Plot User List on Map
Plot the Weather Report, too
See Everyone's Messages It's just gone cloudy!
And Photos
OTS GUI Object { is: gui view: { direction:vertical "Option" "#opt":"?[/string;1|2/]?" }
OTS GUI Object
OTS Form Object { is: form user: gui: form: { opt: "2" }
OTS Calendar Event Object { is: event title: "DroidConf" content: "Big Droidfest!" start:.. end:.. tz:.. location: {.. } attendees: [ ]}
OTS Calendar Event Object MonTuesWedThursFriSatSun Droid Conf
OTS Calendar Event Object DroidConf: Big Droid fest! Attending: DroidConf: Big Droid fest! Attending: Ann Droid Rob Ott No, Sorry Maybe Me Too!
OTS Calendar Event Object { is: rsvp user: event: attending: "yes" }
Make Your Own App! { title: "My DroidConf" list: [ ] }
My DroidConf Make Your Own App! Twitter #droidconf Cafe Droid Ann Droid DroidConf
No application boundaries - OTS is a seamless 'cyberspace' containing you, your friends and your and their mobile stuff - all linkable and mashable No manual upload, download, save, submit, send, share, refresh, upgrade - OTS objects are updating and interactive OTS = Native + Web + More
NetMash Demo NetMash is an Android and Java client- and server-side implementation of OTS
Help Build the OTS Net! What's next? If you know Java or Android, then help build NetMash! or just use NetMash, when it's ready!