Diabetes Video Discussion
1. What does Type I Diabetes mean? Insulin dependent
2. State the normal range for blood sugar levels Fasting: less than 100 mg/dL After eating: less than 140 mg/dL
3. What is insulin? A hormone that aids in glucose metabolism
4. Where is insulin made? Pancreas (Islets of Langerhan)
5. Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) symptoms: Thirst Frequent urination Weight loss Lethargy Muscle wasting weakness Ketosis (fat breakdown) Acidosis Coma Death
6. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) symptoms; Sudden onset Excessive sweating Hunger Palpitations Agitation Feintness Unconsciousness
7. How does insulin help to metabolize glucose? Promotes uptake of glucose by: -liver (stores as glycogen) -muscle cells (use it for energy) -fat cells (store it) *insulin also inhibits formation of glucose from metabolism of food
8. Control of Type II diabetes? Diet -say “yes” to fiber-rich carbohydrates -say “no” to alcohol, fatty foods, & sweets (simple carbs)
9. What are some possible causes of diabetes? Damage to islet cells – autoimmune Blocking of the beta cells – overweight Hormonal imbalances (genetic link?)
10. Cause of diabetes insipidus? ADH deficiency