MEPRS Data Sources & Applications: EAS IV Repository vs. M Tri-Service MEPRS Conference Lansdowne, VA Herb Escobar
2 Presentation Objectives After this presentation, participants will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the differences between what MEPRS data elements are in EAS IV and the M2 Explain reasons why the data are different Describe the different purposes for which MEPRS data in EAS IV and the M2 are used List key references available to aid in understanding data differences
3 MEPRS Data Flow MTF EAS IV file build and processing MDR (Large MEPRS dataset) M2 (Smaller MEPRS dataset) (Monthly Processing) (Nightly/Monthly Processing) EAS IV Repository (Full MEPRS dataset) MEWACS (Small MEPRS Dataset)
4 MEPRS ≠ MEPRS While there are varied sources of MEPRS data…. MEQS III Local MTF EAS IV EAS IV Repository MEWACS MHS Data Repository (MDR) MHS Data Mart (M2) Not all MEPRS sources produce the same data… Service-specific vs. DoD-standardized Timing differences Availability of data elements Level of aggregation Processing errors This presentation will focus on MEPRS on the M2
5 MEPRS on the M2 Historical MEPRS expense data processed and applied to patient-level inpatient and ambulatory (Professional Encounters) records. Mostly raw MEPRS fields from the EAS IV Repository with a few data elements and calculations added.
6 Inpatient Admissions / Professional Encounters Patient-Level expense data are used throughout MHS for beneficiary group costing, RVU costing, DRG costing, variable costs definition, PPS, Business Plans, MTF Valuation, etc. Inpatient Admission (SIDR) records updated monthly; Professional Encounters (SADR) are updated weekly. However, MEPRS data used to estimate all expense elements are updated once per year
7 M2 Full vs. Variable Costs Full costs in the M2 include Total MEPRS expenses as applied to patient records via PLCA Variable (marginal) costs are defined using MEPRS SEECs and also applied via PLCA, however not all expenses are included: 80% of both Military and Civilian Labor 80% of Contracts 100% of Travel and Transportation 100% of Supplies No MHS consensus on Fixed/Variable definitions
8 Raw MEPRS in M2 Summary Raw MEPRS data from EAS IV Repository: - Dispositions & Admissions - Visits - FTEs - Expenses Calculated fields added: - Total FTEs - MTF Expenses - Cost Center Expense - MILPAY/CIVPAY/Oth O&M* - Normative measures - MTF Peer MEPRS data in M2 are updated once per month * Coming soon
9 MEPRS Differences between M2 and EAS IV Repository on 30 July 2007
10 Other M2 vs. EAS IV Repository Data Differences Common terminology does not mean equal values… Occupied Bed Days (OBDs) Relative Value Units (RVUs) Beneficiary Categories Available FTEs DMIS ID Attributes
11 OBD Differences ICU bed days in MEPRS are rolled up into the MEPRS code corresponding to the attending provider’s specialty ICU workload in MEPRS is reported as hours of service in DJ** codes; OBDs in admitting A functional cost codes M2 Inpatient Admission data shows ICU workload as OBDs reported in CHCS using A*** codes, where: AAH = DJA (Medical ICU) AAC = DJC (Coronary Care Unit) ABC = DJB (Surgical ICU) ADC = DJD (Neonatal ICU) ADE = DJE (Pediatric ICU)
12 RVU Differences Ambulatory RVU amounts reported in the EAS IV Repository will be greater than M2 RVUs in MEPRS are based on Work plus Non- Facility Practice Expense components (Total) Multiple RVUs are reported in M2 Work RVUs Organizational RVUs Simple RVUs PPS Work RVUs Raw vs. Total RVUs,
13 Beneficiary Category Differences EAS IV Repository M2 Beneficiary CategoryBeneficiary’s CategoryBen Cat Common 1 = ACTIVE DUTY 2 = FAM MBR OF ACTIVE DUTY 3 = RETIRED 4 = FAM MBR OF RETIRED 5 = OTHER 9 = NOT REPORTED N = NOT APPLICABLE 1 = Dependent of Active Duty/Guard/Reserve 2 = Retirees 3 = Dependent of Retirees, Survivors, Other, NATO, DCO, and Unknown 4 = Active Duty and Guard ACT = Active Duty Member DA = Dependent of Active Duty/Guard/Reserve DCO = Direct Care Only DR = Dependent of Retired DS = Dependent of Survivor GRD = Guard NAT = NATO OTH = Other RET = Retired UNK =Unknown
14 Available FTE Differences Available FTEs and Purified Available FTEs are shown separately in the EAS IV Repository (Class 7) In M2, the Available FTEs represents the sum of Available and Purified Available FTEs by Functional Cost Code as reported in the EAS IV Repository In other words, Available FTEs in M2 equal Available FTEs shown in the EAS IV Repository Class 10 (Personnel Allocated)
15 DMIS ID Attributes Differences M2 maps DMIS ID attributes from the DMIS ID Index Table Specification, not values contained in the EAS IV Repository Tmt DMIS Name Tmt DMIS Military Service Tmt DMIS Region Tmt DMIS HSSC Region Tmt Parent DMIS Name Tmt Parent DMIS Id Tmt DMIS MSMA Though the M2 and EAS IV Repository rely on the same table for DMIS ID information, timing and synchronization issues may result
16 Future MEPRS Data in M2 D etailed FTE data from Class 7 of EAS IV Repository Available / Assigned / Purified FTEs Non-Available FTEs Personnel Category / Skill Type / Suffix DoD & Service Occupation Codes Available FTE Salary Expense Expense calculations MILPAY / CIVPAY / Other O&M ICU Workload and Stepdown Expense Pharmacy Supply Costs Reference tables MTF-specific 4 th -level Functional Code Definitions Personnel Category / Skill Type / Suffix Definitions DoD & Service Occupation Codes Definitions
17 References are Available! All M2 functional specifications are available at Additional M2 tools and resources: MEPRS information available at
2007 Tri-Service MEPRS Conference Lansdowne, VA Herb Escobar