For learning and competence The Finnish approach to NQF/EQF Dr. Carita Blomqvist, Head of Unit, Counsellor of Education Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE) November 2009
For learning and competence The Finnish Approach to the EQF Dr. Carita Blomqvist Head of Unit, Recognition and Comparability of Qualifications
3 For learning and competence Situation in Finland u Development Plan for Education and Research : NQF will be prepared by 2010 u The NQF will be based on learning outcomes provided by qualifications/degrees and prior learning u All decisions will be made by the Ministry of Education u Stakeholders are always represented in all official bodies
4 For learning and competence Situation in Finland u Preparing the NQF regarded as fairly easy: - predominantly learning outcome approach/modules - clear existing structures u For vocational education and training: national core curricula and requirements to be updated as part of regular ongoing work u For higher education: proposal for higher education qualifications framework in 2005
5 For learning and competence Main approaches in national qualifications system (relevant to EQF) u High permeability/flexibility enabled by legislation - VET gives eligibility to higher education -possibility to combine general upper secondary education and initial VET -adults can obtain vocational qualifications via competence tests -recognition of prior learning has been an emphasis for appr. last 5 years on all levels of education
6 For learning and competence General upper secondary education u General upper secondary school studies are in the form of courses. u The general objectives and allocation of lesson hours between different subjects, subject groups and guidance counselling are decided by the Government. The Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE) decides on the aims and the core contents of instruction.
7 For learning and competence Main approaches in vocational education and training system u Education/training providers make their own curricula based on national curricula/requirements u National core curricula decided by the FNBE u National core curricula are revised in u All vocational qualifications are modularised. u Vocational qualifications consist of study units (parts of qualification). u The scope of studies is expressed in terms of credits (total 120 credits)
8 For learning and competence Main approaches in vocational education and training system u Objectives of study units are described as learning outcomes and based on knowledge, skills and competences required in the functional modules of working life u Study units are nationally decided and defined; include theory and practice u Study units can be demonstrated/assessed independently
9 For learning and competence Higher Education Qualifications Framework in Finland u National working group appointed by the Ministry of Education in May 2004, proposal ready in February 2005 u Participants: Ministry of Education (chair), universities, polytechnics, (academics and administration), student organizations, quality assurance, ISCED, National Board of Education (ENIC), social partners
10 For learning and competence Previous, parallel and future processes in higher education u Preparations for new degree structure had started fall 2003 u funding from the Ministry of Education to higher education institutions for planning and implementing the reform -field-specific coordination groups, chaired by academics: analysis of the study programs and learning outcomes provided by them - planning and revising/renewal of core contents
11 For learning and competence Current situation regarding NQF u National working group August 2008 – August 2009 u Chaired by the Ministry of Education u Members, e.g.: social partners, FNBE, rectors’ conferences, student unions on all levels of education, vocational education providers, Finnish Adult Education Association, Association of Vocational Adult Education Centres, other Ministries
12 For learning and competence Tasks of the national working group u Make a proposal on the national qualifications framework (NQF) and describe the different levels of the frameworks in terms of learning outcomes u Lay out the principles according to which the qualifications should be placed within the NQF as well as the European Qualifications Framework, and make a proposal on how to place the qualifications within these frameworks. u Describe the quality assurance
13 For learning and competence Tasks of the national working group u Make a proposal on how the NQF will be sustained, updated and further developed. u Make a proposal on whether the NQF can be expanded from a qualifications framework towards a framework for all prior learning, in such a way that it could be used to describe learning outcomes achieved outside the formal qualifications structure u Make a proposal on the required amendments to relevant statutes.
14 For learning and competence The proposal should take into account that at the first stage… u The NQF includes the qualifications defined in the legislation of educational administration and other branches of administration. u The NQF will not include parts of qualifications, further education or other non-degree education u The NQF will neither include practices nor requirements according to which various authorities grant a right to practise a profession or perform certain work assignments
15 For learning and competence Current (fall 2009) u Proposal for the NQF was ready in August 2009 u Public consultation; comments and feedback from stakeholders u Seminars, information campaigns etc. u Preparation for the referencing process u New legislation was proposed by the working group?
16 For learning and competence Finnish National Coordination Point for the EQF/NQF u Finnish National Board of Education was nominated by the Ministry of Education to act as the National Coordination Point (in summer 2008) u Steering and communications plan will be prepared by the end of 2009 u Website being developed
For learning and competence RECOGNITION AND INTERNATIONAL COMPARABILITY OF QUALIFICATIONS – Carita Blomqvist, Head of Unit
18 For learning and competence Authoritative tasks: Administrative decisions on the competences conferred by foreign qualifications in Finland u Act on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (1093/2007) u Act on Eligibility Provided by Foreign Higher Education Degrees for Public Posts in Finland (531/1986) u Eligibility for a public post or right to practice a profession u Teachers, social workers, social instructors, qualifications in the field of law
19 For learning and competence Decree on the Qualifications of Educational Staff (986/1998): National Board of Education (NBE) decides on sufficient studies for eligibility to: u Provide education in a foreign language u Provide education based on Steiner pedagogy u Provide pre-primary education based on Montessori pedagogy
20 For learning and competence Advisory statements on foreign vocational education and Finnish qualifications Foreign: - compares the foreign qualification to the closest comparable Finnish qualification in terms of the level and content of the qualification - advisory statements may be used as an aid for labour market purposes or further studies (do not confer eligibility)
21 For learning and competence Advisory statements on foreign vocational education and Finnish qualifications Finnish: - eligibility for higher education in Finland; the official status of a Finnish qualification and/or education institution in the Finnish education system; whether the qualification falls under Directive (2005/36/EC); detailed advisory statements on the content of the applicant’s qualification and on the academic and professional competences conferred
22 For learning and competence Information network tasks and tools for promoting the recognition and transparency of qualifications The NBE is the Finnish contact/coordination point for the following international information networks: - NARIC/ENIC (academic recognition, higher education, Bologna process) - NRP (National Reference Point for Vocational Qualifications) - Directive 2005/36/EC on professional recognition - European Qualifications Framework
23 For learning and competence Information network tasks and tools for promoting the recognition and transparency of qualifications: Europass Europass Mobility Europass CV Europass Language Passport Certificate Supplement (vocational education) Diploma Supplement (higher education)
24 For learning and competence More information u u u u u
25 For learning and competence More information u u u